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You trod upon the stranger's servo, reluctantly due to what may transpire if you did. The mech before you had a gentle manner, which is why in the end you chose to rise to his requests. He seemed content, lifting you up with him as he stood upright to his pedes. You chanced he assumed you were used to being carried, given he literally found you inside one of his kind.

"Who are you?" You asked quietly, almost at a whisper. It was noticeable you were nervous, and quite beyond belief since the much larger built mech than Knockout placed you down at a level where you were kind of at his height. Once your balance was regained, the red and blue bot progressed on to explain.

"My designation is Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots," He turned to his team, introducing them one by one. There were five of them, names though you couldn't really remember the moment you were told them. "We are beings from the planet Cybertron, sent here to your home to defend it from our enemy that caused our home's destruction- the Deceptions," Your eyebrows furrowed, and then suddenly lifted as if the lightbulb above your head just switched on.

"Y-you're Optimus Prime?" You asked, even though he had just clarified this the Prime merely nodded his head in a blatant manner.

"And you are?"

Wait, so they got the message?

Your heart lifted, maybe there was hope for Knockout yet.

Forgetting to introduce yourself you bolted for the platform edge, searching for the cherry red mech you had grown to like. Even if it were over a short amount of time. When your eyes fell on him, despair ran through your veins.

"Knockout- is he okay?" You breathed out, looking to the Prime who elegantly followed your direction. The soft plod of a footstep was heard amongst the silence. Everyone present in the room was expecting their leader to answer. He intended to but was plotting how to say what he intended t say in a way where you wouldn't panic, and in a way that allowed his medical companion to have hope in fixing him.

"As of now, he is stable. It may take a while to help Knockout, but I assure you we will put all our efforts into fixing him," Was the Prime's words. He could practically feel the essence of annoyance being sent over from his team. Though he ignored it. His priority in that moment was you.

"B-but you can fix him, right?" Were your next words, looking back at Optimus. He kept a deadpan expression.

"We intend to try our best,"

You sucked a rich amount of air and let it escape in an exhale. There was a long silence among everyone in the room. It just made your gut drop to the floor. You didn't understand, one moment you were drafting Knockout's death in your head from the boredom of no movement, and now you were concerned for his life. Whether he would be okay, whether you would be able to thank him for saving your life. Whether you would be able to return the favour you promised him of saving his.

Your appraisal of the mech had changed so much in such a short amount of time.


"Sorry, erm... your name, kid?" You turned to see it was Smokescreen, the white, red and blue mech standing at the front.

"Y/N. My name is Y/N,"

"Right- Y/N, I...I hate to jump to this already but someone is gonna ask it anyway," His movement was sheepish like he would regret whatever words left his mouth next. "How- and why may I add, did you and Knockout sorta y'know, become buddies?"

"I...I don't know," You replied, with a sense of honesty in your tone. "All I remember is waking up tied up on this big table thing," You gestured your wrists that were still notably red from the impact of the restraints. Smokescreen expressed a minor frown.

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