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"Where is she?!"

"Knockout please, your system will fail if you move too-,"

"Does it look like I give a frag?! Where is she?!"

The echoed distress ran through the long sweeping corridor that Smokescreen and yourself drove down. It gave you the shivers, goosebumps forming on your skin. It sounded like who you thought it was, but...it was altered all at the same time. Nearly constrained and pitchy.

"Prepare yourself," Smokescreen delivered just ere to reaching the entrance to the base's chief area. "Somebody sounds cranky,"

You didn't respond, merely rolling your eyes as hope inside you built up. Could it be? Had the Autobots finally saved his injured body? The heart in your chest thumping aggressively between your lungs as Smokescreen finally rolled to a halt once inside the base.

It wasn't a peaceful welcome.

Arcee and Bumblebee stood just in front of you, weapons raised and loaded and firmly clutched in their servos. Bulkhead held ground near the groundbridge, his own weapons of choice targeted at Knockout. Towards the med bay stood Ratchet and Optimus. Ratchet possessed a holographic tablet in one arm, his other arm trying to stop something from getting by him, you couldn't see due to his frame blocking the view. Then lastly, Optimus Prime kept his grasp on a fairly large object. It was clear from his unstable stance that he was struggling somewhat.

After a few seconds of thought, your mind snapped with what was happening just from what you could hear and what you could see. Before Smokescreen could act you had hopped out the sports car and sprinted for the force Optimus held back.

Eyes widening, you skidded to a halt when you saw the commotion. There standing between Ratchet and Optimus was Knockout, the mech you had been waiting for far too long to awaken finally up and moving. He was struggling against the hands of the Prime, easily losing due to the weakened strength of his body. Not that that meant he didn't try to put up a fight. Siding with the Autobot's doctor though you made it your priority to calm him down.

"What did you do to her?!" Knockout then half shrieked at all those present in the room.

"She is perfectly safe we-,"

"Show me!"

"Woah! Woah! Knockout it's okay! I-I'm here!" You then spoke up and ran closer. Knockout's gaze flickered to you faster than a hare bolting from its predator and somehow you portrayed the off switch of a light. He ceased movement, and the harsh facade was replaced with softness. The bots encompassing the scene all paused in what they were doing whilst Optimus freed his grasp for a second or two, sensing the rest of the mech in his hold climbing.

At that Knockout took a step forward to try and get to you, but alas his leg didn't permit him to. He immediately fell to the floor, grunting in agony. You winced and promptly felt a servo pull you back. It was Arcee, her weapon remained high, aimed at Knockout with a malicious glower. The cherry mech seemed to notice, but his gaze hindered on you as he spoke.

"You get your servos off of her," He half spat, groaning in response to an attempt to raise onto his pedes. Arcee's optics widened, surprised at how she was just spoken to. Glancing down at you to double check with you, she eased at the short nod of reassurance. From this, the femme retracted onto her hind legs, though her weapon kept aimed at Knockout's helm viciously.

Proceeding on, you hesitantly stepped forwards towards the mech. He watched you like a hawk, servo clenched against the ground whilst the other went to reach out for you.

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