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"So we go in. Kill a bunch of cons. Grab the body, and leave?"

"You know, using the word 'body' isn't really a respectful way to refer to the dead, Smokescreen,"

"Well- I mean. Factually it isn't the wrong term to use Arcee. It is just a body now-,"


A little smile fell onto your face at the childish manner Smokescreen always spoke in, even when it was a serious conversation. Despite how annoying it could be sometimes it did make you chuckle.

"Are you feeling alright?" Someone's voice said from behind you as something tenderly landed on your shoulder. Turning back you knew who it was just by the silver talons hovering over your collar bone. Twisting around now your eyes guided themselves up toward the cherry red mech sitting behind you, your smile growing in comfort of his presence.

"I guess so? Everything's a little all over the place... but it's starting to sink in a bit," You replied, sighing and leaning back against Knockout's subtle hold. He didn't reject your actions, finding his own comfort from it as you returned the question he had asked you.

"Better than I was," Knockout said. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to tell you all that stuff,"

"Y-yeah," You said, trailing off to silence. Knockout gazed at you a few seconds. It would be a lie if he wasn't admiring you, to say the least.

"Smokescreen told me that on your adventures with him you saw a family speaking to a cop,"

"Yeah, we did- it was really odd. Smokescreen asked me some really weird questions. Like, there was one about my last name? Which I don't even know and I was like, well how am I supposed to know weren't you listening to me before? And- oh my god,"

The wave of realisation hit you like a brick wall when you looked up to Knockout. His faceplate said it all, opticbrows lifting up as if to hint certain truths your way without bluntly stating them.

That was your family.

The cop was there because of you.

They were looking for you.

To them, you were probably a lost hope due to how long you'd been gone.

Wait a minute.

How long had you been gone?

Your heartbeat quickened at the information and the thoughts in your mind circulated. Knockout watched your face go pale and was quick to swoop in to help.

"Hey, hey... don't worry. You'll see them again one day,"

"It's not that... there's a family out there- my family. T-they miss me. They're looking for me," You paused and found your body curling in on itself, your arms wrapping around your knees like a snake does its prey. "But I can't remember them or even picture them as someone I could miss, y'know? But I know I should miss them but I can't because I don't know who they are and I just-,"

"Woah, woah, woah. Take it easy there, tiger before you bite your tongue off. I understand what you mean," Knockout replied with a light and endearing chuckle. Using his mending servo he lifted you gently into his lap, pulling you a certain amount against him. Then the servo found itself caressing your back gently. You appeared to submit to the touch instantly, closing your eyes as Knockout went on.

"I know it feels like right now you can't think of them as anything but strangers... but in the next few days they'll be everything to you,"

"What if they aren't though? What if this whole thing doesn't work?"

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