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The screams echo in my ears and cause me to fight harder than ever. This is the toughest he's ever pushed me and i just know that he's making sure I'm ready for whatever lies ahead. I follow the orders religiously, blocking, kicking and punching when ordered to do so.

"Kick!" He screamed at me.

I twirled around fiercely and delivered my most powerful kick to the object making it fall off its hinges and land with a loud thud on the floor before falling limp to the side in defeat.


Panting irregularly i turned and faced my coach who's been working non stop with me for when I'm ready to start what i was destined to do. He gave me a smirk and slowly raided his clenched hands to his face. I smiled slyly and followed his movements.

We started circling each other; analysing each other thoroughly for sighs of each other's intentions.

Without warning he threw the first punch which i narrowly missed. I threw a counter attack which he used his arm to block. I continued to throw fast-paced punches, only a handful managed to connect with the body from his blocks. He moved to kick me but i swiftly kicked him in the gut before he could inflict harm on me. He fell to the floor clutching his stomach but effortlessly propped himself up with his fists raised again.

I smirked at him and gestured for him to come and get me. We continued to circle each other, taunting each other with ours eyesb and our movements.

I decided to change my footing to incise him to make the first move. One things for sure, i wasn't going to make it and judging by his smirk he wasn't planning on doing it either.

Suddenly his fists dropped and he walked away and over to the towel rack on the other side of the room. He wiped his sweat away and turned back to me with crossed arms. My fists were still well and truly raised and poised to strike.

"Lower your hands." He ordered.

Slowly and cautiously i lowered them but kept them clenched at my sides.

He moved closer to me slowly with the towel in his eyebrows furrowed as i watched him closely.

"You've done well. He would be very proud of you." He praised

I moved to the side as he got closer to me, ready to defend against any sudden attack. He simply turned his head to the side to look at me. I started to circle him, screwtinising his every move, every gesture, every emotion.

His eyes followed my circling figure in both amusement and slight uncertainly.

"You don't trust me child?" He asked his voice laced with amusement.

"If theirs one thing I've learnt in these lessons its that your unpredictable."

"Good. So will your opponent."

"on some occations." i added.

He threw me the towel which i swiftly caught and my eyes darted between the towel and him before settling on him with confusion.

"Go shower and get sorted. You've done well today, student." I noticed his whole body tense while speaking.

Never taking my eyes off him i passed him and started making my way to the large wooden door. Two steps later paused in my tracks, quickly i raised my hand over my shoulder and latched onto a clenched fist from behind me.

"Good! You saw that coming." I could feel the approval and pride filling his voice and the air around us.

"Next time don't tense your body before an attack. " i released his fist and continued making my way to the wooden door to leave the room. Again, i paused and stared at a black robe that draped the wearers body all the way down to the floor. The person hand their hands in either one of the sleeves of the dark cloak. This was his casual attire.


I dropped my head in respect with my hands held either side of my body.

"Good job, student." He said walking up to me and placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing slightly.

I bowed my head further down in appreciation.

"Master, i think she is ready." My coach said to our master.

"Yes," he said slowly. " i do think she is ready. Make sure that tomorrow she's finalised her sessions and in the mean time," he paused to look into my eyes. the look said everything. i musnt fail and i intended not to. " I'll get things organised."

From the corner of my eye i saw coach come and stand next to me bowing his head. While master paced in front of us. He eventually stopped in front of me but didn't say anything.

"Look at me, my child."

Quickly i raised my head and came face to face with those stern brown eyes. Master.

"Tomorrow you will complete your last few sessions and by the end of the week you will have started your mission. Do you understand me, child ?" He asked sternly.

Slowly, i nodded my head.

"Yes, father."


God its like an episode of Star Wars lol xxx

How do you like it so far? Yes i have changed it a lot since the last idea for this book. But in all honesty I'm much more happier with this version.

Help me please by voting, commenting and enjoying.

Xxxx Ellie xxxx

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