Chapter 16- This is a drag.

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Chapter 16- This is a drag.

"Move you lazy ass reese ! "I shouted up the stairs. We arrived here about an hour ago when reese had just started getting ready and he's still going an hour later.

"Im nearly done keep your knickers on nick." He shouted back from his room. All the guys groaned and started mustering insults together.

I walked back into the kitchen where all the guys were sipping on their drinks with deadly glares on their faces.

Its the weekend now and us guys are getting ready to go to a nearby abandoned field where its now used for people to drag race across.

Most of us are using this as another bonding moment between us all... While reese is using this as a time, and i quote, "to get some hunky mommas."

I tried inviting Nat but she said she was busy with the girls and Katie's boyfriend had a surprise in store for them all.

Reese finally came down the stairs wearing a yellow top, some black skinnies, with a leather jacket to finish. His hair was messy but we all knew that the girls would die to run there hands through it.

"Is that what took so long ?" Alex asked in disbelief. Reese looked down at his outfit and and raised a single eyebrow in question.

"Whats wrong with it ?" He asked already making a bolt for the stairs. I ran before him and blocked the stairs.

"Its fine reese now lets go before we're late." I said honestly to reese before glaring at Alex as reese passed me. Alex simple shrugged his shoulders.

"I heard that theres a new racer entering today. i wonder who it is." Alex said to Greg tapping his chin in thought. They both walked out behind us and reached the car.

"Oh then we best get going. Don't want to miss the big race." I commented opening the door to the passenger seat.

"Hey no fair i called shotgun!" Greg whined. I childishly stuck my tongue out and sat down in the seat. Greg got stuck in between reese and Alex, crossing his arms like a stroppy kid.

Danny was the one that knew the way best so he was the one who got the luxury of driving us there. Note sarcasm.

We started making our way down the street and i blared some tunes from the radio. We sung and danced in our seats to tons of songs on the way. People gave us weird looks as we passed them and one lady even called us 'hooligans.' We passed loads of hot girls, we pulled down our windows and hung out them wolf-whistling they just giggled and waved at us as we sped away. Some even blew us kisses.

Soon we were pulling into a dense wooded area with only the cars headlights and the moonlight lighting the way.

"This place always gives me the creeps" Greg shivered.

We finally reached the end of the woods and i saw Greg let out a sigh of relief from the back. Shouts and blaring music filled the otherwise quiet night from nearby.

We've been here a couple of times before and it still gets me excited; the activity is fast-paced, people sizing each other up everywhere you turn, and the lively music that makes you want to jump up and dance all day and night with out a care in the world.

We drove down the dirt path and on either side of us were people either fixing or leaning on their cars. Either way they had girls clinging off them like leaches, with 90% of their skin showing.

Feels like home, baby!

We all jumped out of the car and headed straight to the front doors. I looked behind me to check if everyone was here and i saw Alex with two girls on each side of him.

"What ?" He shrugged and groaned hungrily as one girl started kissing up and down his neck while the other bit on his earlobe.

I rolled my eyes at him.

He's going to be fine tonight. I thought.

We started queuing up when the announcer came on, voice echoing through the whole field.

"Hello and welcome ladies and gents to tonight's drag race. We have loads of young racers lined up and we even have the one. The only. Iiam pool!" The crowd erupted into screams and cheers as he walked onto the grass and waved to the crowd.

Cocky bastard.

Alex nudged my arm and whispered tearily "jealous ?" I glared at him and punched his arm.

"Take that as a yes" he smirked and rubbed his arm.

I glared at him what i hoped was my most menacing glare and i reached to punch him again.

I watched as Liam walked over to a red car and grabbed his helmet. He blew a kiss to someone in the audience just before jumping in his car to begin a race.

I turned my head and looked to who he could have blew a kiss to and saw non other than a blushing Katie, But thats not possible...of course! Nat said Katie's boyfriend had a surprise for them tonight. this must be it.

I looked at Katie some more and saw she wasn't alone... She was with Trish, those two have grown inseparable ..well, all the girls have what was even more of a shock was that Nat was with them and as per usual she looked gorgeous. She was wearing a blue dress that had gold patterns near her neck on the front she had her hair straight. She looked beautiful.

"What you looking at -oh ! Go get her nick." Reese insisted.

I shook my head and lent back into my chair stubbornly refusing to make a move.

Problem is i want to.

Alex started nudging my shoulder with his in an attempt to get me up.

"Go on man you know you want to see her."

"She'll think I'm being clingy." I countered.

"Oh grow a pair and get that girl !" Greg shouted.

We all stared at him after his out burst in shock. He's never raised his voice like that to any of us. He's always been the rational, logical, shy one of the group.

"Fine ! " i huffed but high fived Greg on my way over to her. I pushed my way through the jumping bodies screaming for liam who just sled off in hot pursuit of his opponent.

When i was able to see Nat and the girls i saw that a guy had his hands on her hips.

My blood boiled when he wouldn't move when she repeatedly tried to push him off, but he didn't get the hint and moved closer with each shove.

I gently pulled her out of his hold and wrapped my arms around her waist while resting my chin on her shoulder.

"He bothering you babe ?" I asked kissing her shoulder. I heard her moan in her throat Ana i smirked.

"He your boyfriend ?" The guy asked. The question stumped me and i was worried about what we were.

She nodded and shooed him off. "Yeah so get going creep." She said and cupped my face closer to her neck.

He stomped off and i grinned with accomplishment. " that moan was sexy as fuck." I whispered and kissed her neck softly. She moaned again.

The girls awed and i was once again remembered of their presence. Natalie gave them the finger playfully and they laughed walking off and giving us some space.

Nat turned around in my hold and wrapped her hands around my neck.

"So were together?" I asked slowly

She shrugged. "If you wanna be."

I smiled widely and lent down to her " damn right." I whispered on her lips before kissing her passionately.

The rest of the night we spent together and after a while everyone joined and we all spent the rest of the night cheering for the racers.

Only two were injured.


Shout out to all my followers who i wish would comment so i could thank for taking the time to read this story !! Please please im begging you just comment something so i can know who you are !!

Vote, COMMENT and enjoy lumpkins xxxx

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