Chapter Sixteen

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We sat there, our arms wrapped around each other for what felt like forever. It was peaceful, neither of us saying a word as we held onto each other like we were all we would ever need. Like there wasn't really anything else in the world except the other person that we needed to get by and stay strong. We had each other. We were content with that. At least I was, anyways.

Right now I can't recall how, but somehow we ended up laying down, my head resting on his chest listening to his heartbeat and his steady breathing.We were both happy and content, and that was all that matter, right?

My tears had slowly subsided, and my breath had started to become more even. Through the whole thing, Kyle said nothing about what had happened. I was sure he knew, though. Luke probably informed him about our parents. A part of me was ready to talk about it and wanted him to ask, just so I could say what was on my mind and get it out. Still, though, there was the other part that told me to hold it in and be strong. Not to put my problems on others no matter how much I wanted to just let go of everything.

"It's going to be okay," Kyle whispered after the overly long silence, shifting slightly which forced me to move to become comfortable again.

"No, I don't think it is..."


"Oh my gosh! You guys had sex, didn't you?" Luke asked frantically when he entered my bedroom, his eyes wide. He had walked in while I was changing and Kyle was laying on my bed shirtless. I could understand why he had made that assumption. To bad he was wrong.

Kyle obviously wasn't looking at me, he was looking the other direction as I changed. Also, he was shirtless because I "accidently" split some water on him when I had gone to grab something to drink. I had been walking with the bottle of water and I had been taking a sip so it was, obviously, open.

As I had been walking back to my room, Kyle came walking out just as I was walking in. He had needed to go use the bathroom and was going to ask me where it was when I had come back, but he couldn't wait so he decided to go find it himself or something. That same moment when he was leaving my room I was getting back and, though I spilled most of the water on me, he still got wet too. Though I couldn't let him away with only a few drops, obviously, so I threw the rest of the water at him.

So that was why I needed to change and Kyle had removed his shirt. He liked to believe that I just did it because I was so desperate to see him shirtless, which was wrong. I mean, yes his body was really hot, but I would have prefered to suduce him into stripping. That would have been so much better...getting him all hot and bothered before I just turned away and laughed. That would be so much fun...

No. I did not want to have sex with Kyle. I did not want to suduce him. My stupid brain really needs to learn how to do this thing known as shutting up.

"What?" I exlcaimed, quickly pulling on a shirt and turning to face my brother. That was rather awkward. I would have perfered if he hadn't seen me changing, but it was to late now. "I- we were not having sex. I, uhm, spilled some water over him and he had to take his shirt off, and I got some water on me as well and I needed to change. He has his pants on still, go check if you want!"

"Hell no! I'm not going to check if your little boyfriend over there has pants on! What if he doesn't? I don't need to see his junk," Kyle said, backing up. "That's obviously reserved for your eyes only. Anyways, were are the wet clothes if you really did have some water all over you?"

Kyle picked up the still damp shirt from next to the bed, allowing me to see his back. Well, his back muscles. I was probably drooling, so I quickly averted my eyes and looked at my brother as Kyle threw the shirt towards him.

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