Chapter Eighteen: Missing Person

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 (You may notice that this chapter has a video and picture attached. Please play the video once you have finsihed reading, and the picture is just a visual aid!)

                Sleep avoided me for yet another night, but I guess that’s how it was going to be. I mean, we weren’t exactly on the best terms. In fact, I didn’t see myself getting any sleep until Harry came back, to be honest.

                But the reason I didn’t sleep last night, wasn’t because I was hurt or angry or anything like that. It was almost the exact opposite. I didn’t sleep because I missed the boy I love.

                Maybe that sounds crazy. I mean, how many girls would miss a guy who supposedly cheated on them? Well, the answer was me.

                I guess it also helped that I really didn’t believe he cheated on me. That’s not something Harry would do. It did hurt to see him kiss that girl, and I’m sure there’s an explanation. There had to be. At least, that’s what I was going to keep telling myself.

                I checked my phone again, hoping for just one missed call. But there was nothing. I did have a new email, however, but not from whom I expected. When I opened my email, my heart skipped a beat or two, but returned to normal when I saw it was from Louis and not Harry.

                Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t disappointed to see an email from Louis. I just had my mind set on one particular band member who didn’t wear stripes.


                                Management is going crazy. No one can find Harry anywhere. After that interview, something was off with him, and then last night, while we were all asleep, Harry just vanished. We called his mum, his dad, his step-dad, his sister, his friends, everyone we could think of. We tried calling you as well, but there was no answer. He’s gone and we need to find him. Please call me if you seem him or know where he might be.


                Harry was missing? Where could he be? And how could he just disappear? Those boys were everything to him. He couldn’t just leave them like that and not tell them where he was going. Something was wrong.


                I had called Harry almost twenty times before he picked up.

                “Hannah?” His voice sounded distressed.            

                “Harry, where the hell are you?” I sounded angry.

                “Walk outside.”

                “Harry, if this is some kind of trick…”


                I walked out to the porch of the house and noticed a curly brown-haired boy standing there.

                I closed my phone and he followed.

                “What are you doing here?” A wave of confusion ran over me, but there was also a tiny bit of relief with me. He was here, with me. And I was happy.

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