Chapter Twenty-Nine: Fear

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                    My heart skipped a beat as I stared at the man before me.

                    He had definitely doubled in size since I last saw him, seeing as he stood towering over me. He was strongly built, and his hair fell just above his ears. He face looked slightly different, or maybe just older.

                    "Happy to see me?" He said pushing himself in. I know I should have tried to push him out or at least talked to him only in the hallway, but I could barely even breathe, let alone move.

                    "Boy am I happy to see you." A smile spread onto his tan face.

                    "Steven? Is it really you?" I choked out as a lump formed in the middle of my throat.

                    "Of course! Why? Expecting someone else?" I sensed tension in his voice. "Like maybe Harry?"

                    I swallowed hard, trying not to panic. He knew about Harry.

                    "Why would you say that?" He inched closer to me as I backed away.

                    "Well because I saw him leave here. And I know you two are together.  I'm not stupid, Hannah."

                    "I never said you were. How are you?" I tried to keep my voice calm, and as normal as possible.

                    "Well Hannah, I’ve been away for a really long time and I missed my girl," he reached his arm out to me and stroked my hair. "Did you miss me, baby?"

                I hadn’t seen Steven in who knows how many years and here he was in front of me. He was different, yes, but I still saw crazy in his eyes. I had no idea what I was going to do.

                “I did miss you. Harry and I both…” I started.

                “I don’t care about Harry. I asked you,” his voice raised.

                “Of course I missed you,” I lied.

                He walked over closer to me and put his hand on top of mine. He squeezed it before pulling it behind him and kissing me hard. I yanked myself away and wiped my mouth, brushing the taste of salt from my lips.

                “What the hell, Steven?” I raised my voice, immediately regretting it when I saw the anger flash in his eyes.

                “What did you just say?”

                I had to stand my ground. I wasn’t going to let him win, no matter how scared I felt. And believe me, I’ve never been more scared in my life. “I don’t love you, and I never will. Harry took my heart a long time ago, and you know that.” My hands shook. “You even admitted you knew it last time we talked.”

                He turned to me and fear struck me so hard that I was frozen there. I saw the rage in his eyes. It was so impeccably strong that I couldn't see anything else, except the teeny tiny speck of love, that would easily be overpowered by the rage.

                He lashed out, and smacked me across the face as hard as he could. I could still feel the sting.

                He chuckled and got closer to me grabbing my arms with immense force. “You think I care. Since you remember our little ‘chat,’ then you will remember what I said about no one can have you but me?” His eyes filled with pleasure. He was satisfying himself.

                He turned my attention back to him. "You are mine, and no one else can have you. I'm willing to look past your 'fling' with Harry. People make mistakes. For you, however, this was your last mistake." He spoke quickly. "We can be together now. Harry will be out of your way in no time."

                Everything in my body stopped.

                "What do you mean he'll be out of our way?" I struggled on the word 'our.'

                "Well, you see...he's going to come back here eventually to see you, and I'll be waiting for him. He can't have you if he's…let’s just say gone.” Steven smiled.

                As Steven pulled out the same knife he had years ago and messed with it, fear overtook me. I had never been this scared in my life.

                                                                TO BE CONTINUED…

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