Chapter Twenty-Seven: Kiss Me

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(I'd just like to note that there is a video in the sidebar. This kind of just sets the mood for the ending of this chapter. If you could, play the video after you are done reading if you'd like. It may help.)

                Harry pulled his phone back out and typed another number in.

                “Harry, who are you calling now?” The words barely came out.

                “I’m calling the police…Hello I’d like to file a police report.” Harry started. I managed to run over to Harry and end the call before the police had time to respond. I put the phone in my back pocket. “Hannah, what the hell?”

                “I don’t want the police involved. The guy I saw yesterday might not have even been Steven. It was probably nothing. It was dark, and I’m probably crazy,” I huffed out quickly. I walked over to the bed and sat down again, my tears slowing.

                “You don’t know that! We should call them just to be careful! Please let me call them,” he sat next to me. I looked into his eyes and my heart broke. The concern in them was overwhelming.

                “Why do you want to call them so badly?” I knew the answer, but I didn’t want it to be true.

                “I want to keep you safe. I love you so much, and I won’t let anyone hurt you. Please let me protect you.” The plea in his voice destroyed me.

                “The police can’t do anything for me. I’m fine. I promise,” I didn’t sound very convincing.

                “Hannah…he threatened our lives. Doesn’t that matter to you?” Harry sounded a bit scared as well.

                “Of course it matters, but what are the police going to do? They’ll protect you because you’re famous, but they won’t protect me. I’m afraid they’ll tear us apart, and I don’t want to lose you,” I threw my head into my hands.

                “You aren’t going to lose me. And I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise,” he pulled my face up to his and kissed it.

                “Please don’t make promises that you can’t keep, Harry.” I whispered and stood up in front of him. I gave him a look and walked into the bathroom. I needed a shower to maybe calm down.

                I turned on the shower and closed the door behind me, letting the water run through my hair. I closed my eyes and just tried to clear my thoughts. When I opened them back up, everything was quiet. I finished up and hopped out. Remembering I didn’t bring clean clothes with me into the bathroom, I wrapped a towel around me and walked out.

                I moved over to my suitcase passing by Harry who was leaning on the bed, watching television. I started grabbing clothes and Harry came up behind me.

                “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered into my ear.

                Harry moved my wet, tangled hair to the side and kissed my shoulder blade, then my neck. I turned to face him.

                “What are you doing?” he put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

                “I’m keeping my promise,” his lips met mine and lava shot through my body. I kissed him back, putting my hands on his neck.

                Harry’s hands moved down to my legs and grabbed hold of them. He picked me up, never making our lips part.

                We slowly moved our way over to the bed, and he laid me down, using his arms to balance him on top of me without crushing me. He put one hand on my cheek, the other he still used for balance.

 We broke from kissing for a breath. He pulled away for a second just looking at me.

                I pulled him back down to me. “I love you.” I breathed slowly, pulling his face back down to mine.

                “I love you too,” he said putting one of his hands on my thigh, giving me chills. I placed my hands on his waist, working my way up. My hands moved his shirt and with one tug, it fell to the floor. I stared at his chest for a moment, lost in its perfection as we broke from kissing.

                He placed his hands on my towel and smiled, returning to my lips.

                Closing my eyes, I was lost. Time had stopped, and I didn’t mind.

                                                                TO BE CONTINUED…

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hope you guys like the new chapter!!! The next one will probably be up tomorrow!!!!!! PLEASE LEAVE ME FEEDBACK EITHER BELOW IN THE COMMENT SECTION, OR ON MY TWITTER PAGE! I REALLY DO USE THE FEEDBACK FOR WRITING SO PLEASE LEAVE SOME!!!!!! xx __Holly__

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