Chapter Twenty-Two (Part Two) : Strange Encounters

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CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Strange Encounters

                Sleep came easier to me last night. It didn’t fight me or repeatedly tell me no. It just consumed me and held me in its grip. I didn’t dream. I didn’t have nightmares. I didn’t wake until morning. It was kinder to me than before.

                I woke to silence and emptiness. Harry had gone while I was asleep.

                I knew he had to go today, and I wasn’t sure when, but I was sure he was okay. He had Harry Styles things to do and that’s what he needed to do.

                At first the thought of just plainly staying in and watching some TV by myself was appealing, but then I decided I’d explore. Why not walk around and enjoy Australia?

                I showered quickly, wiped a tiny bit of makeup on, and dried my hair, the heat making my waves apparent. I debated what I wanted to wear for sure, but I opted for a Rolling Stones vintage tee-shirt, a pair of ripped denim shorts, and a faded pair of black Chuck Taylors.

                I didn’t know exactly where I was going to go, or what I was looking for, or if I was even looking for anything. I just wanted to wander around and maybe find something beautiful.

                Grabbing my messenger bag and aviators, I headed out the door.

                I hadn’t really noticed the hotel yesterday when we came in, but I guess there really wasn’t much to notice. It was nice and calm. Soothing colors were splashed on the walls, and it smelled clean.

                I grabbed the first elevator that was open and headed down. It made one stop for an old married couple to get in, and then kept going.

                When I got outside of the hotel, I didn’t know which way I was going to go. Left, right, straight…there were so many choices. A gut feeling told me to go right, so I did.

                I passed a couple of boutiques that were small and beautiful, so I stopped in just to look around. Everything was kind of out of my price range, but when I saw a Starbucks sitting in front of me, I had to go in.

                I don’t know what it was about coffee for me, but I just liked it. It did taste rather odd at first, and it did take some getting used to…but I loved it. Just the feeling it gave you. Sort of like a rush.

                I walked in and ordered what I usually get in London, and sat down inside the café. I pulled out my phone to quickly check it just in case Harry needed to get ahold of me, or even my aunt Sydney. You never know what happens.

                There was nothing new on there, making me feel a bit better knowing I hadn’t missed anything. I took a sip of my coffee, enjoying the taste. It was iced coffee, so I couldn’t burn myself, like I had done so often before.

                My attention quickly shifted to a tall blonde who had just entered the café.

                She was gorgeous. Spider-long legs, perfect shape, and she was beautiful. Her hair fell way over her shoulders and was wavy as well. I recognized her from somewhere.

                She ordered a small coffee and then searched for a place to sit. When her face flashed my way, I instantly knew who she was.

                I tightened my grip on my coffee as my stomach began to churn. Anger entered my head and took over. My eyes started to burn. It was Emma Ostilly.

                Normally, I don’t get mad. I’m a pretty forgiving person, or so I’ve been told. But what she had done to me, was something that had hurt me in more ways than one. It had punctured a hole in my heart that was hard to fix. And I blamed her.

                I didn’t blame Harry, for something he didn’t do. I blamed that one stupid girl for everything.

                Even better though, she came over to me and spoke, a smile plastered on her face.

                “Oh I know you! I mean, I don’t know you, but I’ve seen you before! Where have I seen you?!” Her voice was way too peppy.

                Anger stirred inside of me. “I’m Hannah.” I tried to fake a smile.

                Her smile had disappeared, and she looked down. “You must be Harry’s girlfriend,” her voice was quieter.

                “Yes, that would be me. The girl Harry loves.” I felt like I was rubbing it in her face, but I didn’t mind at all.

                “Look, I hope there are no hard feelings between us. You seem like a lovely girl, and I made a mistake. I was drunk.” She put on a fake smile.

                “No problem. As long as you understand that it won’t happen again.” I think I just threated her. Uh oh.

                With that, she started to walk away. “Just so you know, Harry’s not my type. I have boyfriend in the military that I love.”

                “Then you’ll have no problem with not kissing Harry ever again.” I put my fake smile back on, and she walked out completely, as anger flashed on her face.

                Wow. That made me feel like such a bitch personally. I had just threatened a girl who could have been lovely. But could you blame me? She knew he had a girlfriend, as we just found out, and she still crossed a huge line. Plus, she just said she had a boyfriend…and I’m sure if he knew about it, he’d be pissed too. I wasn’t sorry at all. She had it coming.

                                                                TO BE CONTINUED…


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well thank you guys so much for all the feedback I've been getting! I really appreciate it! And I hope you like this chapter as well. I have a pretty good idea of how I'm going to end this story, so there will probably be only a couple more chapters. I'm thinking 30 will be the most there enjoy these last few ones. I will try and update at least once more today. Please keep reading, share with frineds, vote, or whatever and......PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS BELOW OR ON MY TWITTER PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love all of you :) xx __Holly__

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