Chapter: 7 History Class

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You headed to school holding the box in your backpack. You got on to the bus, rolling your eyes as your brother max pushed past you to sit with his friends. "Annoying little-" "(Y/N!!) waved you're tall black haired friend Jackson. He was a nerd, braces and thick rimmed glasses and all. But because of his height no body dared to mess with him.

"Hey dude." You smiled forgetting how you had a killer clown in a jack in th box in you're bag, sitting by him he pulled out his phone. "Sorry about your cat," you tilt your head. "How do you know?" "(Caregiver) posted about it on Facebook." He answered, you sighed of course (caregiver) would of posted it.

They would post about a loose tile in a grocery store and make that post over five paragraphs long. "Well it's fine, the cat didn't really like me," you answered as you thought back on to the times you woke up from a dive bombing cat who wanted to rip out your eyes for going to bed without petting them.
That cat didn't like you for reasons you never knew, you believed once it was born that it had a destiny and that destiny was to torture you until you die. But it's gone now so you could live your live with a little less fear.
As now you had a murderous Ronald McDonald in your back pack and a demon for a sibling.
You continued walking to class with Jackson, "so Jackson anything happen during the summer?" You ask looking up at your tall dorky friend.
"Nothing much got a new Star Wars LEGO set that I can not wait to build. It's over 5000 pieces and is a foot tall model of jaba the hut." He smiled, pushing his thick rimmed glasses back from the tip of his nose.
"How much was it?"
"400 but it was cheap-"
cheap?! How is 400 dollars worth of legos cheap?! "Well Good fall Jackson I'll see you at lunch alright?" You said walking away towards your class room.

Luckily it was a history class and you were early, putting your bag down you pulled out the dirty jack in the box and opened it And there sat a Hawaiian shirt vacation tourist cliche LJ.  "This isn't a touring site,," he frowned, "of course not i had to go to school now I'm gonna seat her and learn and you don't embarrass me or make this class a living hell."
You explained as he nodding like he was agreeing but he wasn't paying attention at all. He puts his hand on his heart, "I Laughing Jack promise to be a good tourist and not ruin your day."
Little did you know he had his fingers crossed behind his back. When class started he smiled as no one could see him but you, so while you were writing down notes he sat there in the teachers chair spinning it and making annoyed and hilariously funny faces to pass the time.
"Ugh (country) history is so boring! Why do you need to learn all this?! Why can't we watch a movie? Isn't that what teachers do? Talk for a minute and slap a movie in the tv box?!" He groans now laying over the desk like a child, you gave him a glare saying to shut up so you could focus, the teacher notice your gaze.
"(Name)? Is my desk amusing to you?" You quickly snook your head, "no sir," "then pay attention your grades would be happy if you did." LJ perked up and went through the teachers desk.
"A F-? How do you accomplice that?" He laughed before going back to dig through the drawers.
"LJ knock it off." You whispered, causing a few to shush you. LJ pulled out a laser pointer and proceeded to walk to the back of the room and start pointing it at the teacher and other students.
Laughing when the teacher got a very trying to find out who had it.
"(Name)! Laser pointer now!" He says strictly, laser pointer? But you didn't have- you looked in your hand and LJ had placed it in your palm!

The sneaky weasel!

You put it away as the teacher write you up for detention. "Thanks a lot clown,,," you mumbled, LJ was snickering behind you. The teacher reared his head looking at you his face as red as a tomato as he got more furious.
"Am I a joke to you (name)?! Four days of detention!" The teacher shouts,
"what?! Sir I didn't-"
"2 weeks!"
"TWO WEEKS!!" He shouted slamming his hands on his desk sending appears to the ground.
You quickly rushed out the classroom in fear of getting more detention, while laughing Jack followed behind you laughing historically at your expense.

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