Nelle plan

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Bella was formprefect of second form and plan teacher Cystral Wood a lesson " Cystral Captian is really browse boat"said Zoey a another Second form what plan Nettle " We weather witches and make it rain and thunder and lightening" " Nora is sport caption and head of Prefect can't play with mother nature isn't right but do need help what if hose pipe and water sport field and it too much play" said Nessie " mmm this hard but at bell go Dinner in House hall There breakfast and Dinner in House hall but Lurch was in school hall and was school shop There have sit down at their forms tables and older girls dish out the food to them.  "  " More for top form Gabby I bag this table said Cystral Nora and Doris " Come with me Cystral don't need serive up food to Second form you our guest come sit on Year6 and Year 7 table. As Prefect Zella seat at second form table. As Cystral sit down eat her food " You too soffee on babbies form in Redroof use toach love at bullied young one making do sport if can't swim just throw in lake or pool Doris look Summer who look at Doris know plan A was about start " Hello Cystral " Crystal look up " Summer what doing at cussion Nora school " It isn't Nora Victoria march is Headmistress I so glad in upper Third form don't have play sport with you beside first form go win easy second form will lose." " Not if our coach them*" If hav't notice it rain and thunder storm can't coach first and second form " Week" said Cystral one first form spill orange juice on Crystal " You idot tool and Slap Kam and Kam fall on the floor with hot Chocolate all over her" " Cystral sit down can't treat Kam like that said Tuesday wood and you my half sister I on your netball team won lot goals but just keep bullying me I use too it but Kam and Tuesday help Kam up"" Thanks you" Disappear to first form table. Nora " Are you Cystral vice captain " I was but  Cystral wasn't listening so resigh " " I haven't see Summer April in your Lasscross she Junnior" " Crystal Summer chose not do sport and won't she wose of sports third form should play you but lost to first form so tomorrow Lasscross Match if second form win playing redroof if first form win you playing first form" " I not playing with babies form" Holly was laughing " As head girls of junnior can't wait till first form win the second form" she disappear" Then go home" " You can't go home your cough won't come back for three week let me show where your tent is up!

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