Leadership tent

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" Doris can have word" " I busy at movement talk to May-lou about you" " Can it wait" " No told headgirl Doris what happened can't take Prefect badge off her " No" " Pretty fine leadership but you Rosemary is coward by run and sneek and by run away from camp you make Pretty fail the leadership exam I leader got care of team show good teammates and follow as team and Pretty fail that because you run off got trap under tree why was Pretty?" " No where see it one second form fetch for Prefect Janet." " Can say something I watch Janet give order she was good leader no body say I don't want too." Said May-lou " What if fail first form exam be sent home for fail witches exam " Rosemary they say if fail witches exam can try do fairies exam if get c- won't be sent home if fail witches exam." " Why do witches fail exam in first form fail exam go home?" " It be custom of Winter School witch fail flying and witches go home" only one way can stay at school if fail witches exam." What that?" " Give up your magic be normal girl and give your powers to another witch" " I never have magic again" " No but staying on Winter School Rosemary as normal school girl" said Doris " You sixteen and you still in babies form and won't be moving up your work too low" said May-lou " Rosemary won't do anything with Prefect Pretty April and Janet is new Leadership and she friends with Pretty go Pretty and say Sorry to her." " I can't" " You can just need courage to say Sorry?" said Doris " All are going be coward for rest life?" Said May-lou " I no coward" said Rosemary " Prove it"  " Pretty Pretty want word with you" " Go away leave Pretty lonely tell table" " No Janet going say this Pretty then go away " " Make snap then" said Pretty " I sorry I rude to early and I sorry sneek out of my tent make lose your leader and failed the leadership Crouse if at all I go now" " No at not all you brave put things right can go back in Muggle Quitch teams when get back to Winter School I would put in magic Quitch teams but can't as runaway from camp Bell your sister is Caption of Muggle Quitch team she can keep eye on you."

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