Headgirl of school study

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She look at two pupils "Sit down" "You start Dasiywood why do think Rosemary bad Lasscross Captian?"" When have Alison we win every match when we first form but Rosemary second form won't appear her as Lasscross caption and first form won't pass too use I like to win hate lose it not bring honoured to school. " " At enough Dasiywood " " I know didn't want be Lasscross caption but Victoria chose why? " When was playing good sport games in St Ann's school I play game of rounds but blue house team push off round mat and bullying didn't stop I was goal keeper in St Ann school good goal keeper but West high school were good sport games and At Ann's school didn't do much sport because didn't have money" " Oh go on" said Headgirl Doris As Rosemary crying if I lost I got pick on but bullying got wose didn't do at school there did on public bus in end beg Aunty October let me go to another school" She won't let me she told me tufe up stop be coward" " What happened?" " I try kill myself by stand in the front public bus but fail"" Miss march thought if could be captain won't be bullied by caption but no caption and no leader second form never appect as Lasscross caption" " I got idea" said Doris Dasiywood and Rosemary meeting me on sport fields " Just me Rosemary and bring first and second form out on the field" 

" Sunny can have word with you please Rita and Hope need stay as three listen if idea teacher second form and first form team spirit " " I speek to four Junnior captions" " Thank you"

Sport fields

" I sick of first and second form not working as term by end of this weekend you both learn team work and for rowing in common room you not alwon go to town this weekend"As headgirl give prumishment to formprefect Rita and Hope now behide yourself as Nora and Karren come with four Junnior captions  " Right going do egg spoon race but twist you do in pairs by tide your leg one first form and one second form and start with Dasiywood and Rosemary together" As she give egg and spoon. " you got put in blue bucket and but pick up six egg by spoon only ." This stupid childless game I not play it" Said Helen " " Oh yes you are" " Oh no not"As Helen stamp her feet Rita got her wand pull Helen back " We learn team spirit and stay there" " I hate sport"" I don't care" " So Helen did invissable spell" " Rita read spell book find Helen and took her wand " You do egg spoon with second form too." Hope too have her own promble none second form want team with first form Dora was laughing " Sunny keep idea on them I got idea"

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