Muggle Study

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Now Firstform had do Muggle Study and it was very Hot weather and firstform was sport mad but Miss Young won't let firstform out she close window " Now Firstform get out your book do Muggle Study please write what you think be Muggle " At isn't fair I half Muggle and half fairy "  " oh be Quiet Snowberry get Studing " As was read quietly Snowberry noughting Sally-Ann was helping Dasiy and Snowberry was jeasuly so thow her book for help but miss Sally-Ann and land on the face Summer " Ahhh " ""Snowberry going outside classsroom now."  Said Miss Young Snowberry could not believe "It isn't I work hard don't get help Summer and  Dasiy  don'twork hard get help because she got dyspraxia and half deaf isn't fair"" Out Snowberry and Summer March is second form in fact go to Headgirl study Snowberry before go give me hall pass and wand won't get back till say sorry" So Snowberry and she knob on the door " Come in" " Hello Snowberry want brought here" " Miss Young I wasn't get help out in Muggle Study and notice Second form get help because of dyspraxia and wearing hearing aids so thow book at Sally-Ann  as also help Dasiy isn't fair and Muggle Study book land out Summer face and I was told go out and said " Isn't fair because Summer get help because of her dyspraxia and half deaf." " I have give wand and hall pass to Miss Young sent to you"Doris listen and so did Sunny " So do think hide disability get more help then normal pupils" " Yes" " Because you get no help work hard you feel not get notice but Disability pupils get Gold star and you get noughting" " Even if their cheat don't prumishment but I cheat you on me like brick" " Doris got idea " " What how geting buddy to help Snowberry" " Who Sunny" She whispered in her ears " Laugh " You buddy be in first form and it Rita March my little sister " She 13 I am 15 years old" " Too old be first form and hear noughting but bad report from the monitor and Prefect my sister Rita help or don't help " Oh year wait minture " Can fetch October Twins please October Twins was Joan and Marigold " Come in " " Here Hall monitor Miss Young taking hall pass away can you take back to Miss Young classroom" " Yes headgirl" Sunny got notebook write this to the monitor" " Nod" What went on next nobody know.

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