Let's Throw A Party.

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I went to school the next day with a big smile on my face that wouldn't fade off. But while I was making my way to first period, I noticed Lydia was crying by her locker.

"Hey, are you uh okay?"

As soon as she realized I was beside her, she began to whip all the tears off her face.

"Oh yeah, just allergies."

"C'mon, Lydia. You can talk to me."

She looked up at me and softly smiled as if she was grateful I was there for her.

"Promise not to make fun of me?"

She put out her pinky as soon as she asked that and of course I put out mine too. As I laughed a little, we linked pinkies.

"Of course I promise."

She grabbed her books from her locker and started to walk to class as she spoke. It was a good thing we had first period together.

"Well, my mom has been trying to get my dad to come see me because she thinks I need a father figure in my life. He finally answered the other day and he told me he would come down for my birthday this coming weekend but then he called this morning and he told me he has to go to this stupid awards dinner with his other daughter."

I grabbed both of her arms and made her stop in the middle of the hallway to look me in the eyes.

"First of all, I would have never made fun of you over this in the first place." I laughed a little before I continued.

"Second of all, I told you this before and I'm going to tell you this repeatedly until you believe it. It's his loss. Honestly, if he doesn't want to spend a weekend with Lydia Martin, he must be the craziest man in the world."

She slightly laughed and I was happy I could cheer her up considering I'm not the best at cheering people up most of the time. We walked into the classroom and sat down in two desks that were side by side.


During Lunch:

"Scott, pleaseeeee. You have to."

"No, Stiles. I am not helping you throw a surprise party for your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend..yet. Please! We can get help from Allison so you can spend more time with her."

Scott looked at me and then looked back over at Lydia and Allison about 10 times before he finally caved and said yes. I could help but jump up and down until I noticed they were looking our way. I quickly sat back down and began talking again.

"Text Allison to meet us at my house after school and we can start planning."

Scott rolled his eyes as he laughed and got his phone out. I was going to throw Lydia the best party ever.

// okay so this chapters really short and messy but i had like no inspiration and hopefully i found a plot that ill like writing. but thank you to everyone who's reading and leaving nice comments, it means so much. :)

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