I Don't Have A Crush On Her

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Credits rolled on the screen when Jennie blinked her eyes open. She wasn't sure when she fell asleep, but she must have at some point during the movie. The second thing she realized was the fact her head was on Lisa's lap, and Lisa was running her fingers through Jennie's hair. She thought about drifting off for five more minutes, but then Lisa's gaze shifted from the television to her.

A smile tugged at the corner of Lisa's lips. Her cheeks darkened a bit, though that might have been due to the dim glow of the television in the background. "Oh, hey, you're awake," she whispered, fingers coming to a halt. "You, ah, you dozed off during the movie."

"Mhmm," Jennie hummed, wishing Lisa would resume combing her fingers through her hair because Lisa was right, it did feel nice. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. Did I crush you?"

Jennie peeled herself away from Lisa's lap, even though deep down, she didn't want to move an inch. She hoped she didn't awkwardly fall on top of Lisa. When the movie began, they sat close next to each other, legs almost touching, but she must have shifted a lot to end up with her head on Lisa's lap. She didn't remember doing any of that.

"No, no, not at all!" Lisa rushed out while she shook her head. "I, erm, I... moved you a little bit," she revealed, tucking her hair behind her ears, sinking her teeth into her lower lip.

Jennie found it cute when Lisa got all shy. She could ask more questions or try to quip something, but she wanted to cut Lisa some slack, and it seemed better to resist the temptation of teasing her. What she failed to stop, however, was her hand shooting out, thumb brushing Lisa's lips to prevent her from biting them.

Lisa parted her lips, chest heaving ever so slightly as she took in a deep breath. She gave Jennie a strange, curious look, which was hard to decipher.

Jennie felt the tip of Lisa's tongue with her thumb. It lasted only a split second before she lowered her hand, watching as Lisa closed her mouth. She leaned in, dodging Lisa's lips to press a kiss to the corner of them instead, deeming it innocent enough. She could have sworn she heard Lisa swallow hard, though the music accompanying the credits of the movie might have made her falsely think she did, while in reality, she hadn't.

"I'll get us a refill," Jennie sighed softly, definitely in need of some water right now. She got up from the couch and grabbed their glasses, ignoring the fact they were half-full.

Jennie thought of suggesting watching another movie as she stalked over to the kitchen area, but it was Sunday, and the clock on the microwave told her it was a quarter past nine. Both her and Lisa had classes tomorrow. It wasn't an ideal time to start up another, and frankly, she didn't want to fall asleep on Lisa again.

Lisa sighed when Jennie handed her glass to her. "Thanks," she mumbled, staring into her drink. "I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have been so rough."

Jennie hated seeing Lisa feel bad. "Some people are into that, you know?" she replied with the hint of a smile, pleased when Lisa spared her one in return. "Maybe not that rough," she conceded with a dry chuckle, "but you're still learning."

"You don't have to excuse my behavior for me, Jennie."

Jennie's eyebrows shot up. She sipped from her water, unsure what to say because Lisa was right. The seriousness in Lisa's voice and expressions on her face had no trace of shyness or stumbling nervousness.

"I made a mistake," Lisa confessed, setting her glass down on the table. She folded her legs, resting her hands on her knees. "I hurt you, and the worst part is I think I meant to."

Jennie grasped that much when Lisa's kiss was too rough and too raw. She wanted to ask why, but she wasn't sure if she was ready to hear the answer. It must have been linked to leaving Chaeyoung's place in the morning. She had no idea what went on in Lisa's head. It didn't help how one of the rules was to not sleep over at each other's place.

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