I'm Ready

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Lisa helped herself to the last slice of pizza after Jennie assured her two times she could have it because Jennie had enough. Smidges of tomato sauce decorated her cheeks and chin as she stuffed the food into her mouth in big bites, almost as if she tried to inhale it without actually chewing.

Jennie never thought she would find an appreciation for messy eaters, but something about the way Lisa happily devoured the pizza wrenched a smile free, and it was oddly endearing. It was always a toss-up with quirks, whether they would be annoying or tolerable, although she was probably somewhat biased due to her attraction toward Lisa.

"Mhmm," Lisa hummed, licking her lips. "That was delicious, thanks," she said with a broad smile. "Next time I'm paying."

"Of course," Jennie replied, although that was debatable. "Next time," she repeated in a whisper, feeling her heart skip a beat at the thought they would get to do this again sometime in the near future. She knew it wasn't set in stone, but it gave her a spark of hope nonetheless.

"I'm surprised you... have such a healthy appetite," Jennie stated carefully, watching Lisa intently to ensure she didn't hurt her feelings or offend her. It honestly didn't matter to her how much Lisa ate, and it certainly wasn't an insult.

"I try to work out as much as I can, so I burn a lot," Lisa explained, flexing her arms. "See?"

Jennie choked on her own spit. She tried to mask it with a quick cough, failing miserably, eyes watery as she nodded. God, Lisa's chuckle made it even more embarrassing she couldn't control her gay just because a pretty girl flexed.

Lisa shifted closer. "Are you okay?" she asked with a knowing smile, placing a hand on Jennie's shoulder.

Jennie saw how Lisa's eyes flit down to her lips and how her amused smile dissipated as Lisa leaned in just a few inches, not close enough for a kiss yet, but if she met Lisa halfway, it would be. She had a feeling Lisa enjoyed practicing, which she could relate to because kissing Lisa felt like heaven on earth.

Lisa dropped her hand, rolling her lips into her mouth as she leaned back, breaking the trance both of them were in. "How, uh," she said, gesturing vaguely at Jennie, clearing her throat. "How does your hand feel?"

Jennie almost forgot about her clumsy accident. "It stings a bit," she answered, glancing down at her bandaged hand. "Maybe another kiss might help," she suggested, but before she could hold out her hand, Lisa closed the gap between them all at once, locking their lips.

Jennie let out a muffled moan, more surprised than anything when Lisa really went for it, licking into her mouth. She opened up beneath her as Lisa pushed her down on the couch. Her tongue danced around Lisa's, and she could get used to doing this often, the more, the better.

By the time Lisa backed away to catch her breath, Jennie chuckled. "That wasn't the kind of kiss I was talking about, but I wouldn't mind if you do that again," she breathed out, perhaps a tad too honest, but she couldn't help the way her heart bled for Lisa, how she was falling for the one girl who was supposed to be her friend.

Lisa's cheeks colored red, which was another thing Jennie wanted more of because she liked having an effect on Lisa. Her heart did funny things each time she made Lisa blush or smile or laugh, and she swore it was going to combust someday.

"I know that wasn't what you meant," Lisa sighed, brushing a lock of Jennie's hair behind her ear. "But I...," she bit her tongue, shook her head, and smiled. Her gaze met Jennie's while both of them leaned in, inch by inch. "I... wanted to," she confessed, pecking Jennie's lips.

"To practice," Jennie filled in, feeling her heart crack a little at saying those words, but she figured it was easier if she voiced them instead of hearing Lisa say them.

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