Chapter 1

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"To be understood is to prostitute oneself"

Song Muse "Just the girl by the click five"

The hierarchy was something to be reckoned upon in tree hill generally and tree hill high specifically; that was the reason Nathan Royal Scott, star shooting guard for the tree hill ravens, son of the infamous loaded Dan Scott and boyfriend of the ever popular cheerleader Peyton Sawyer felt entitled. That was of course before his illegitimate half-brother Lucas turned things around, securing himself a spot in Nathan's basketball team, and aiming for his girlfriend.

That was why he needed to bring Lucas down a notch or two, and that was where Haley James came into the picture.

Haley James was Lucas's best friend, has been since they were eight years old, and if she weren't Nathan probably would have never noticed- nor given her the time of day. She was an over achiever, with the best GPA in the school, a tutor to people doing less than well in school and an employee in Karen's café- Lucas mother's Cafe . In short, a nerd, so the idea of her and Nathan crossing paths was highly unlikely.

Until Nathan saw her with peripheral vision as he looked over at Lucas, the girl was so tiny; he felt as though she could fit into his pocket, with a smile too big for this world.

"Hey who is that girl he is always hanging out with?" Nathan asked his own best friend and sidekick Tim.

"Who knows? Why you feel like slumming?" said Tim jokingly, Nathan scrunched up his nose in mock indignation and shoved Tim playfully- as if that would ever happen.

Still his father's words rang in his head 'If someone isn't on his side then they are his opponent, the only way to deal with an opponent is to identify their weaknesses and attack them'

Nathan fully intended to exploit Lucas' weak points. He followed Tim to their next class.


Haley was walking out of the tutor center when she heard someone whispering her name loudly. She stopped dead in her tracks, school was deserted; students had gone home but she stayed later than usual to go through some notes, she had prepared for a D+ student she was tutoring.

"Psst, Hales!" the voice called again and she looked around.

Lucas' head was peeking out the door of an empty classroom.


"I need help" said Lucas through gritted teeth.

She moved closer "Wow! Wow! Damn it Lucas. My eyes! What happened?"

Her friend was stark naked, aside from two basketballs giving him some coverage. He looked absolutely pissed. "What do you think happened? Guess who took my clothes in the locker room?"

She sighed loudly; Nathan Scott was the epitome of scum.


"Well what?" Haley asked confused.

"I need clothes!"

"I would be very happy to help you Luke, but I am still wearing mine, and I don't think they would even fit you"

"Very funny" Lucas dead-panned "just help"

He pushed himself back into the classroom and shut the door.

"So how exactly did that happen?" Haley asked fifteen minutes later, she had run to his house, grabbed something for him to wear and returned to school in record timing

"I took some extra time in the shower" Lucas explained as they walked away together "I came out and all my clothes were gone"

"Enter your savior," she said, giving a fake courtesy.

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