Chapter 3

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Of beach house parties and evolving drama

"We are not mad. We are human. We want to love, and someone must forgive us for the paths we take to love, for the paths are many and dark, and we are ardent and cruel in our journey."

Song muse "Nine crimes by Damien Rice"

For the life of her, Haley, couldn't fathom what she was doing. She had been so guilt-ridden about keeping the fact of tutoring Nathan from Lucas, but decided it was for the best. They after all despised each other, but when Lucas told her Nathan invited him to a team's party at his parents' beach house, Haley didn't know what to think, on the one hand, she was proud that Nathan was not only keeping up his end of the deal, but he was also being civilized towards him, however on the other hand, she wasn't sure the fact that the three of them together in one place was such a good idea; ever since Lucas had asked her to come, she was apprehensive, she knew Nathan wouldn't risk their tutoring sessions, his entire athletic future depended on them but she was also positive he wasn't a big fan of Lucas either.

"The guy has kidnapped you, trashed your court and threatened you with bodily harm. Party, yeah, sure, why not?" Haley sniped on their way over there.

Lucas looked ahead at the road, determined "Ok, listen, I know its all set up, alright? But I am not gonna let him screw with me, whatever he dishes out, he is gonna get back, double."

Beneath that brash exterior Haley was positive Nathan has a good heart, their tutoring sessions proved it, she had seen it firsthand, unwilling to confess it; she cast her eyes down and softly asked "do you think, maybe, just maybe, he has had a change of heart?"

"Requires a heart" he sneered.

Haley became silent, her stomach sinking, she couldn't think of a counter argument that wouldn't look suspicious, like she was trying to defend Nathan instead of looking out for her best friend.

They arrived in the beaten down tow truck to a lavish house overlooking the beach, the biggest one all around, in fact it was the size of two regular beach houses merged together, with fairy lights entwined in the front porch railing. The guest of honor was with his girlfriend Peyton, her best friend; captain of the cheerleaders, Brooke and his dimwitted sidekick, Tim.

When Nathan approached the both of them, Haley looked down to the ground, pretending not to know him.

"I wasn't sure you would come"

"Makes two of us" responded Lucas

"Hi!" Nathan came closer, hovering over her and extended his hand, her eyes widened and her mouth parted in shock "I am Nathan Scott"

It took her two seconds exactly, to close her gaping mouth and unfreeze, she played along, shaking his hand "Yeah, I know, I am Haley"

"I know" he winked, much too obviously, who winks with their whole face? Haley stifled a moan, Idiot!

Inside the house, everything must have cost a fortune; the elegant décor, the perplexing artwork on the walls and the pretentious plastic palm trees in every corner. Haley let out an impressed whistle "well I bet their plumbing works" she said to Lucas, who had to rinse his hair out that morning with a jug of water. He sneered.

"Just saying" she smiled, rolling her eyes.




The music playing had an annoyingly steady beat, as she and Lucas toured the house, almost getting lost twice in the process.

"So, I know that you are like, having the time of your life, but can we please make like a tree and get out of here"

The setting wasn't what she was used to, that was the first party she has ever been to; well first high school party held by the jocks, she did go to a party held by Junk and Fergie, although it was only her, Lucas and three other friends- excluding Junk and Fergie.

"We just got here" he said.

"Whatever" she shook her head in exasperation, he was insufferable at times "You let me know when you proved your point, I am gonna go to one of the eighteen bathrooms in this place"

"Be back in five?"


But Haley didn't exactly need to go to the bathroom. She was just looking for an excuse to step away from the noise and the people she wasn't familiar with. She went upstairs, looking for a section in the house that wasn't occupied with such a racket. Resting her back against the wall, Haley closed her eyes for a second; relaxing, when she heard chatter from a room at the end of the hall. A man and a woman, she could tell. She tip toed closer, curiosity getting the best of her, their voices became clearer.

"Well he is holding up considering Whitey's moved him out of his position, but it's probably temporary."

"I asked you, how he is, not how he is playing?" the woman said, there was awkward silence before she continued "must be confusing for him, with Lucas on the team now, were we gonna talk about that?"

Haley's brow furrowed, they were talking about Nathan, and so those must be his parents.

"I think that is probably temporary too"

"You think or you wish?"

Haley sneered, that was Dan Scott, how charitable of him to be so considerate of his son's feelings; she wasn't even sure which son she was thinking about at the moment.

The woman continued "I saw Karen at the game tonight, but then I have never really spoken to her..."

"I know this is hard on you, Deb"

"No, not really, I think it's harder for you and Nathan"

There was uncomfortable silence where Haley thought she should slip away, either of them could walk out any moment and catch her eavesdropping, she backed away slowly, about to go downstairs again, when she noticed several photos hung on the wall of another room, through the door. Unable to help herself Haley walked in. Looking at them one by one; it was the Scott family. The first one was of a three year old Nathan; or so he looked, eyes squinting in the sun of a park with a tiny basketball held in his chubby hands, Haley chuckled; it was adorable. Then there was one of toddler Nathan cheeks squished up as both his parents gave him slobbery kisses. Haley's hand went to her heart in awe. The third picture was Nathan and his mother; at least as Haley guessed it, he was around fourteen, his face much less round and chubby, they had their arms around each other and were beaming with pride. Before Haley could have a look at the rest, someone clearing their throat at the door startled her and she jumped up, hands clutching her heart.

"Can I help you?"

It was the woman in the pictures; she stood there with an expectant look, arms crossed to her chest and a brow cocked.

"Uh-um sorry, bathroom" stammered Haley.

The woman stared at her for a second and said "Downstairs, second door on the right"

Haley nodded quickly, looking down and maneuvered her way out of the room. She could feel Mrs. Scott eyes still on her, so she thought it better if she went to the bathroom. Haley locked the door behind her and sat at the edge of the tub. 

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