Chapter 2

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"You wanted to see me, Mr. Kelly"

"Yes, please, come in Mr. Scott" the teacher peered at him over his glasses.

Nathan moved closer standing at the teacher's desk, a test held tightly in his hand with a big 'F' marked boldly in red.

"So, if this is about my grade..."

"Yes, Mr. Scott, it is in fact about your grade, I assume you are aware that you need to maintain a certain grade point average to be able to participate in any athletic activities"

Nathan rolled his eyes, and spoke through gritted teeth "Yes"

"And you are falling behind, I am afraid you might not be able to play basketball anymore if you don't turn it around"

"I know" Nathan said annoyed.

"Perhaps you could try tutoring; we have some fine students who are more than willing to help"

He didn't attempt to even hide his sneer.

The teacher sighed and spoke softly "Listen, Nathan, I know that a young man in your position might find it embarrassing to ask for help, but it beats the alternative, that is if you want to keep your position on the team. You do want that don't you?"

Nathan nodded briefly.

"Then I think you should go to the tutor center right away, it is the seventh room on your left" he pointed out the door. Nathan grabbed his test, and made for the door.

"If you could" Mr. Kelly interrupted, making him turn around "see if Miss Haley James is available to tutor you, she is quite promising and I am not supposed to show favoritism, but I must admit, she is the best"

Without a word, Nathan clenched his jaw and headed to the tutor center. Not only did Lucas take his spot as shooting guard on the team and his girlfriend's affections, he was indirectly stealing his entire basketball future all together.

"Hey" Nathan walked in with a melancholic expression "I just wanted to let you know I will be fine"

"Great" responded Haley, carelessly.

"I mean F is for fine, right?"

He lifted his test briefly to show her the grade before turning around and walking away. Haley could only stare after him mouth agape in shock, she stood that way a little, before rolling her eyes and shrugging, what was she supposed to do?

"You could tutor him" a small voice in her head whispered. But she pushed that thought away quickly, it didn't matter how sincere he looked.


He highly doubted that there would never be a sound that aggravated him more than his father talking to him about basketball. Nathan loved the game, the rush and the crowd's adoration, but when it came to Dan Scott, everything between him and his son was about sports, whether it be his next game, his faulty (according to his father) techniques or how unlikely it was to beat the older man's score from when he was in high school. Nathan was sure he could do it, but it really hurt his feelings that his dad seemed to think so little of him.

"So how did it go?" Dan Scott asked "with practice"

Nathan shrugged "I am small forward"

"And what did you do about that?"

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