Princes can love Princes (Part Prinxiety)

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Just some stuff to know before I start: So before I start I just want to say that this is a true story. Not word for word cause this has been happening for the past week but VERY similar dialogue. I changed this little girl's name in the story cause I don't like giving that away. And everyone else's name that are not my family.  Even if it is just something as simple as a name.

Background Information: The ditch is where many of the kids play in the neiborhood. It's just a large drainage ditch with a bridge at the south end and a tree north east. A couple trees to the west also. At the top of the hill (west) there are two electrical boxes known as the "Green Boxes". I always sit on these boxes because I can see the whole ditch. Oh I live on the west side of the ditch and it's a dead end. I live 5th house from the end.  There are many kids who play here. Wow. I just noticed that.

So there are the twins. These two will be Anna and Elsa for now cause I can. So Elsa will be the one with long hair. Anna is the one with freckles and short hair. They are both 8 years old.  They both are like Anna and Elsa kinda. Just nit hair color. We have 'Kristoph' witch is what I will refer to the twins little brother as. He's 4. Then we have Hans which is the twins older step brother who is 11.

Then we have "The Boys". That's what we call them. They are a few 2-4th grade boys who love to ride their bikes down the ditch.

We have Jack Frost who is another 4th grade boy who lives at the second house from the end of the west side if our street.

Then there are many other kids who won't play any big part.

We have 'The 4th House' witch is my neighbors. They are babysitters and kids often come to the ditch. The east side of the ditch is filled with many other kids who won't be important.

We have #2 next. That's what we call her. Her real name is Hannah but she is the second so she is just known as #2. She comes down rarely. She's a 4th grader who lives behind all of our houses in the next neiborhood. (I have a massive crush on her brother!) NOTHING! Only when her brother comes she comes and she loves to tell stories to all the younger kids.

And finally, we have my siblings. (So glad I don't have to change names here)

So starting from the oldest. I  have my older brother Jacob (16). He never goes to the ditch.

Then there is me. I'm 14. My name is Mads/Maddy/Madelyn and I'm often at the ditch. I pretty much am in charge of the ditch. They always ask me if it's okay to do whatever.

Then we have Ty/Tyler (9). He often hangs with the Boys and their 'Bike Gang'.

Hannah is next. (6). Often hangs with the twins and Kristoph. Very wild and energetic. Talkative.

Clara. (3) very shy but does whatever Hannah does. Loves to play with them but never participates because she's too nervous to ask.

(This kid has got lots or names so I'm only going to list the 3 most common) Elliot/ELit/L-E-Lit! (9 months) never comes down because he is too young but when he does he is the center of attention.

So those are my siblings. That's most people who come in. Then we have the main gal of this story who I will give a simi normal name. I'm going to call her Kat. (8) She is from the East side. Her mom and I met once. Her mom just lets her go to The Ditch only when I am there because she trusts me.

Story: So one day, I was sitting on the Green Boxes. I would normally be playing real life Minecraft with the twins and Kristoph, but I really wanted to look at Thomas Sanders fan art. Kat's mom yelled for my attention signalling that Kat would be cooking down. That day the twins, Hans, Kristoph, Hannah, Clara, and the boys were at the ditch. I was the oldest there so I was in charge. Kat came running over to the Green Boxes to hug me and that's when it started. So I never really talked to her mom much. I don't know what she is like.

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