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While going to school, I thought it was going to be a normal boring Monday as usual, but not for long. I looked out the bus window and whispered to myself,

"I wish time stood still. Even a second would be enough."

Nothing happened. A bird flew by and stopped in mid air.

"Uhh... Did anybody see that?" I said.

Nothing. I looked up and they were frozen just like the bird. I got off the bus and walked around the streets in wonder.

"Everything froze except me, but why me?" I thought. I remember everybody saying yesterday that Chris kept disappearing and reappearing out of nowhere. Maybe he's the one who did this.

I looked at my phone if it still had service. "Yes! It still works!" I thought to myself. I went to my contact list to Chris, who had left me a voicemail saying,

"Did everybody freeze forever? Why isn't this thing working? I should have listened to the government in the first place."

"Why is the government in this? You know how crazy they are," I texted back.

"What! I must have buttdialed you. But, Hey! It seems your not frozen! Come meet me at the school," Chris texted.

I darted to school, (and into people) and got to Chris,

"How'd this all happen?" I gasped.

He showed me a regular gold pocket watch, his hands were shaking, but something was different about it.

"What's that for? It's a regular pocket watch" I asked.

"It's not an ordinary pocket watch," Chris flipped over the watch. Which revealed a green glowing dragon eye in the center,"I... I use this to stop time. I do it every day, but it just won't work anymore," Chris said nervously, "The... the government came to my house to take it. I hid it away obviously. They asked to have it so they can have a 'missile test launch' in Arizona. They destroyed my house to get this thing. That's why I'm hiding at the school."

"Well, I don't believe them about their 'missile test launch' one bit. Let's give them a nice visit," I said.

"They gave me their address to the place, if it helps." Chris acknowledged.

We walked all the way to Arizona, and found an abandoned-looking government facility that said 'Missile test area. Stay at least 1 mile from blast'. It literally took no time at all to get there.

"Uh, Ryan, Why are they launching nuclear missiles if it's just a test launch. That could destroy countries!"

The missiles were propped up towards the open ceiling, the sun shining on all the computers and other equipment. The frozen people on the computers all had ice-cold shocked faces.

"It looks like someone hacked into the computers," I said.

"Where is it heading," Chris asked.

"Let's see...Uh Oh... Uh... It's heading towards Greenland! What did Greenland do to America?" I yelled.

I heard a loud 'thump!' and an "Ow!" I ran towards it.

"Hey! Are you alright?" I yelled.

Chris yelled back, "Check this out! This might help!"

I walked with Chris into a secret room. One guy was sitting in an electric chair yelling in pain, while guys gathered around him holding clipboards asking questions and some bulky men in military uniforms holding guns pointed at him.Luckily everything was frozen in time or we would have been attacked immediately. We turned off the power to the chair and investigated the scene.

"Turns out this is some sort of spy who's starting to break free," Chris said.

"What type of spy do you think he is?" I asked.

"I'm not totally for sure," Chris said, "He could be trying to sneak information from this missile launch"

"Are they going to start a World War Three?" I asked.

"Whatever it is," Chris said, "We need to stop this."

We took all the ammo out of their guns. We disabled the missile launch and took the missiles away from the site (Missiles are very lightweight when the time is frozen!). We got handcuffs for the spy and right before we got to him everything started to move again slowly.

"Hey!... Stop... that.. spy!" a scientist said slowly.

The spy started to break free of the electric chair. He then pushed people away as he sprinted. I looked at Chris, holding the time watch and I told him,

"This is going to get interesting."

Chris replied, "Trust me, it always does."

We started running after the German spy.

"Get those two as well!!" a scientist yelled.

"We are trying to help you!" I yelled back.

"It's too late! Let's get out of here!!" Chris told me.

Then a portal appeared in front of us. Seconds later, we were in the dark ages.

The Time Watch Legends: The BeginingWhere stories live. Discover now