Time Bomb: Who Needs Google Translate When it's in Your Time Watch?

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When we got out of the portal, we were in a demolished village.

"What happened?" Chris asked.

"They must have been raided," I replied.

We heard coughing in the distance and ran towards it.

The person was an older man underneath a pile of rubble.

We tried to help him out, but nothing would budge.

"Who did this to you?" Chris asked in his time watch translator (I didn't know how many different gadgets were in the time watch!)

"The..." The old man murmured in Japanese, " Mongols..."

He closed his eyes and laid there dead.

"That's not traumatizing," I said, "but isn't Logan and Andrew with the Mongols?"

After I said that I heard footsteps behind me. Logan and Andrew stood in front of a Mongol army.

"What are you doing here?" Logan asked.

"We are here to save this timeline from a time bomb," I replied.

Chris wondered, "Should we be saying this in front of the Mongols?"

"Don't worry. They only speak Mongolian." Andrew replied.

I questioned, "What are you guys doing here?"

"This is what happened during the timeline. The Mongols controlled China and attacked Japan, but failed," Logan replied.

"Well, we need to evacuate this army for a while until we get the bomb out," Chris said.

" I wish you guys luck. If this army couldn't defeat them, I don't see how you guys can." Andrew said.

"That really boosts my confidence," I told him.

They moved their army out of the way, while we walked through them.

I think some of the Mongols were cheering us on or cursing us to our death because we delayed their attack. I wasn't for sure which one so I think they were cheering ... hopefully, they were cheering.

"Where do you think it's at?" Chris asked.

"The leader of the government did say that Shogun armies were guarding it. So it is most likely in a shogun temple." I said.

"We'll keep in touch," Logan said.

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