The Creatures

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We came out of the portal, which... was on the ceiling. They really need to put some padding on the floor. Adyson was waiting for us at the gate.

"Wow, that was fast," Adyson said.

"Fast?" I asked.

"Time is slower in that world," Adyson replied, "Every hour is a second here. I barely got settled down and you came back."

"What do we do now?" Chris asked, "Who do we have to face?"

"No one. You may pass the gate," Adyson answered, "I will be your guide.

"Don't you have to guard the gate?" I asked.

"We have skeletal guards to take our place," Adyson said, "Any questions?

"Marc and I have been through here hundreds of times," Jake said, "So, no."

"Well, let's go through then," Adyson snapped her fingers. The gates creaked open.

Water flooded the room. Holes in the floor opened to drain the water. We walked into a room with two sea horses on each side. A Giant Octopus stood in the way. The floor was filled with an ankle-deep stream.

"Can he talk?" I whispered to Adyson.

"Yes, but it might sound a bit bubbly," She answered.

"I don't remember a water themed room," Marc acknowledged.

"The rooms change frequently," Adyson started, "You won't recognize the rooms we will be going to.

"Hello, I'm Chris,"

"H..i," The octopus bubbled, "My name is.. Os.. oss.. Wald."

"Oswald?" I asked. The octopus nodded yes.

"So, what brings you here, Oswald?" Marc asked.

"I collect metla.. *Cough* for the time watches," He responded.

"He means metal," Adyson said.

"Neigh!!" the seahorses agreed.

Oswald took a smoking pipe that was made of sewer pipes out of the water and started smoking bubbles,

"Here. I got something for you." He reached under the water again. This time he pulled out pirate hats.

"Before I acquired the name Oswald, I used to be *Burp* a murderer. The Kraken was the old me," Oswald gave us the hats.

"The Kraken? Why'd you stop?" Jake asked.

"I found Mr. Green," Oswald answered, "He made my life meaningful again."

"Mr. Green?" I questioned

"The dragon," Adyson explained.

"So, the dragon's green?" I asked.

"You'll know eventually," she responded, "So, could you tell us how you got his name?"

"Well, after I stopped being the kraken and I met Mr. Green, I went into the show biz to educate kids about the sea. Mr. Green suggested I *cough* call myself Oswald, so the show is a little more kid-friendly." Oswald said, while smoking his bubbles.

"Like Oswald the Blue Octopus?" Marc asked.

"The show was based off him," Adyson said.

"I better *cough* get back to work. These metals won't find themselves," Oswald said.

The ground ruptured and revealed a downward stairway.

"Follow me," Adyson said, "Goodbye Oswald."

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