Time Set: The Beetle

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We came out of the time portal and the supply crate was right in front of us. We opened it and it was filled with food and water for at least a week. A scarab scurried over the crate. Chris picked it up into his hand.

"Aren't scarabs sacred in ancient Egypt?" Chris asked.

Cole answered, "The Egyptians believed it is an aspect of Ra."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"When you have been here for awhile," Cole stated, "You start to learn about this timeline."

The scarab morphed into a small speaker. It was Jake.

"Hey guys, sorry I am late," Jake said.

"We just got here," I replied.

"Oh... Well, I have been here for hours," he replied, "Anyway, The new base I have set up is in the stone age. Get back with me when you get done with the Sphinx."

"What do you mean?" Chris asked.

"Someone or something must have taken it." Jake started, "Some locals say that the Sphinx dug into the ground."

The speaker turned into an earpiece that I put on.

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