The Moles Are Revealed

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*back in Tartarus*

Twilight: *glares at them* If you two didn't take it then where did the magic of Equestria go, Tirek and Tirana?

Dusk- *glares* What makes it disappear?

Tirek: *smirks at them* If you let us out we might remember.

Tirana- *smirks* What do you say, you help us a bit and we'll help you?

Twilight/Dusk- *immediatly backs away angrily*

Rainbow: *glares* How about you tell us everything you two know or else you'll get stuck here forever cause we got no magic keys and no one can open the door. *realizes and looks at the others* Which means...

Rarity: *worried* Oh dear. I wasn't thinking of that.

Spike/Barbr: *worried*We're stuck. Just like Tirek and Tirana. *looks down in worry*

Twilight/Dusk- *wraps a wing around them in concern*

Tirek/Tirana: *chuckles* What a misfortune for you. Sweet revenge for us.

Twilight/Dusk- *growls angrily at them*

Tirek: Seems like our little companions help worked after all.

*everyone looks at them in shock*

AJ: *glares* What companion?

Tirek: *admits* We have never seen each other. We are penpals.

Tirana- So many questions on how to empty the magic of Equestria.

Pinkie/Bubble: *yells* And you answered them?

Tirek: *smirks* Well, we were bored, so we just steered our  friends in the right direction.

Butterscotch: Can't you just tell us the name of your people since we are stuck here as well?

Tirana: *chuckles evilly* Why not. It's just so priceless.

Both- *sinisterly* Their names are...

*back at the school*

Sandbar: *to the Cutie Mark Crusaders* ...Cozy Glow and Comfy Flicker. I'm almost certain that they went down here when they left the office.

*they all go down the to the caves and looks in shock to see Starlight and Stellar trapped in a barrier with the six artifacts surrounding it in a magic circle*

*Cozy and Comfy come out of the shadows*

Cozy: *smiles sweetly at them* Is it nice in there Starlight and Stellar?

Comfy- *smiles sweetly* We're sorry we had to lock you two in, but what were we supposed to do?

Both- *their smiles turn sinister* You would destroy our  plan.

Cozy- *sneers* But then again, what was Twilight and Dusk thinking having a mare and stallion with the mentality of a deranged filly and colt whom they felt sorry for run their school.

Comfy- *sighs* Poor decision making skills on their part but they were in a we kinda understand.

Both- *angrily* You both might get company if we can't get that annoying Neighsay and Misanthrope to BACK OFF. *regains composure*

Cozy: *evilly* All this magic needs time to be emptied from Equestria so we can take it to another world.

*Sandbar and the CMC gasps in shock*

Comfy- *chuckles* Three days can feel like forever.

(Cozy and Comfy walks around)

Cozy: *grins evilly* You ponies got it all wrong. Friendship isn't magic. *hungrily* Friendship means more power.

Comfy- *grins evilly* Now that Twilight, Dusk and their gang are out of the way, Equestria will bow before us.

Both- *puts crowns on with evil grins* The Future Emperor And Empress Of Friendship. *laughs maniacally*

CMC/Sandbar- *worried*

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