New Chain Of Comand

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*Mane 6, Spike, Barbra, and the Colt 6 look at them Tirek and Tirana in shock*

Twilight/Dusk: *horrified* Cozy Glow and Comfy Flicker were behind all this!?

Tirek: *laughs evilly and admits* Generally, we're no fan of ponies, but to empty your precious world of magic so they could lock you twelve inside was inspiring.

Tirana- *chuckles evilly* Such deviousness and manipulative...

Spike/Barbra: *glares* That's 14.

Twilight: *angrily to the Mane and Colt 5* I knew we shouldn't have left.

Dusk- *angrily to them* That's why they had that key in our bag, they knew that it could only be used once and that we'd use it to get in so they could lock us in here!

Both- *angrily* THEY BETRAYED US!!! *their eyes are shrunken in anger*

Mane 5/Colt 5/Spike/Barbra- *looks in fear*

Tirek/Tirana- *smirks slyly* There's that temper we missed...

Twilight/Dusk- *growls angrily at the two and start to walk towards them but Rarity and Elusive hold them back fearfully*

AJ: *concerned* Starlight and Stellar are left in the school. If there is anyone who can stop Cozy Glow and Comfy Flicker, it's them.

Tirek: *smirks* Cozy and Comfy were smarter than all of you together.

Tirana- *smirks* What makes you think this Starlight and Stellar had a chance.

Twilight: *serious* We have to find a way out. The students can't outwit Cozy and Comfy by themselves.

Rainbow/Blitz: *smirks* Then we just have to crush the door.

(they try to break the door but they fail)

Both: *moans* It didn't work.

Rarity: *admits* Not everything can be solved with raw strength.

Elusive- *helps them up* We need magic to get out.

Pinkie: *happily* Maybe there's a way to get out without magic?

Bubble- *smirks* A secret lever or secret button or a secret admirer who has a secret that is like "your secret stays between us because I'm in Tartarus and I have a key."

Dusk: I don't think so. Equestria's most powerful enemies are captured here.

Twilight- *serious* Without magic then so are we.

*they both look at Cerberus who's licking its other head*

Twilight/Dusk: *arches eyebrow with a smile* Unless...

Twilight: *walks over to the cockatrice which hisses at her but then calms down when she pets it gently* These creatures might have lost their powers but they still have magic that makes them who they are.

Dusk- *thinks* Maybe we could borrow some of it.

*Mane 5, Colt 5, Spike and Barbra look unsure*

*back in Twilight and Dusk's office*

Cozy/Comfy: *walks in* Excuse us Chancellor Neighsay and Misanthrope.

Neighsay: *looks at them* You better get used to calling us Principal Neighsay and Misanthrope. We'll stay here for a while.

Cozy: *smiles* It's a relief to have a pony here who is in charge after this whole magical crisis.

Comfy- *smirks* We are so grateful that you took care of these non-ponies, *smiles* but doesn't EEA's need you?

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