Sparkle and Shine Against A Glow and A Flicker

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*on the path of Canterlot*

*the Royal Siblings, Cadence, Bolero, Shining, Gleaming, the Pillars and the Royal, Night, and Crystal Guards are walking to the School when they receive their magic*

Royals- *take off to the School of Friendship*

Neighsay/Misanthrope- *activates their pendants and goes through the portals along with the Pillars and the Unicorn and Crystal Pony Guard*

Flash Magnus- *leads the Pegasus Guard to the School*

*in Tartarus, Tirek and Tirana, and Cerberus get their magic back*

*back at the School*

CMC/Mane 5/Colt 5/Spike/Barbra- *leads everypony outside to see the Royals, Pillars, Chancellors Neighsay, and Misanthrope, and the Equestrian Guard surround the school* *shocked* Wow...

Royals- *come down to the CMC* *concerned* Is everypony alright?

Chancellors- *concerned* Where are the other students?

*the other students and Starlight and Stellar appear out of magic*

Yona- *happily* Councilor Ponies!

Starlight/Stellar- *levitates her* It's good to see you too...

Ocellus: *happily* All the magic is back.

*the animals regain their magic and turn back into mythical creatures shocking everypony*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *soothes them*

Chancellors- *smiles sincerely* Thanks to all of you.

Pillars- *smile sincerely*

Royals- *smiles sincerely*

Student 6/CMC- *smiles calmly*

Mane 5/Colt 5- *concerned*

Spike/Barbra- *concerned* Where's Twilight and Dusk?

Cozy: *angrily to the Student 6* You've all ruined everything!

Comfy- *angrily* We were supposed to be the Rulers of Friendship! Everypony does what we say!

Both- *angrily* Thanks to you six and those two fools for royalty our plans are ruined!

*the Royals and Pillars and Neighsay and Misanthrope glare at them*

*Twilight and Dusk land right in front of Cozy and Comfy glaring at them angrily*

*the Manticore, Chimera, Bugbear and Cockatrice growl angrily at Cozy and Comfy but Fluttershy and Butterscotch calm them down while glaring*

Mane 5/Colt 5/Spike/Barbra- *glares at them harder*

Rarity: *serious* Why do all this?

Cozy/Comfy: *snaps angrily* Why!? *madly* Friendship means power. *smirks wickedly at Twilight and Dusk* You two may be the Prince and Princess of Friendship, but as the Principals, we can get more friends than you two.

Twilight/Dusk- *solemn* Guards. Arrest them.

*everyone looks at the two in shock*

Cozy- *smirks wickedly* What's the matter Professors? Not gonna give us a big speech on how what we did was wrong like Starlight and Stellar and show us the *mocking* the true magic of friendship...

Comfy- *smirks evilly* Or is it the fact that we managed to use the very thing you two stand for, the thing that you're titled Prince and Princess as and used it against you two!

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