Chapter Three: Day Six

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Day Six

“It’s finally Saturday!” Nick calls as him and his two famous friends walk into their viewing room on January 11, the first Saturday that they’ve watched Alyssa, the sixth day of the experiment.

“Oh, yeah, a nice, freezing Saturday in early January,” Carter chastises as he takes his seat. “Someone, please get me a boiling hot cup of coffee.”

“What’s his deal?” Jackson asks, raising an eyebrow at Carter.

“Jacob threw a snowball at him this morning,” Nick answers easily.

Jackson’s eyes flash at Jacob, who just shrugs. “I’ve never seen snow before. You know… I was born in the south and then moved to L.A with these idiots, so…”

“Go on,” Nick said. “You’re just getting to the good part.”

“Well…” Jacob said, beginning to sound a little shameful. “I just… wasn’t quite expecting it to be so cold. So when I picked up a handful it surprised me and I just kinda flung it…”

“And it hit me. In the face,” Carter says solemnly from his seat. Jackson and Nick burst out laughing, while Jacob turns crimson. Carter continues to pout, before turning to Jacob. “You suck. Go get me a coffee.”

“How about a please?” Jacob says, making a face at his friend.

“How about I throw a snowball at your face?”

“Alright, alright,” Jacob says, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’ll get you a coffee. Jeez.”

“Seriously, man. It’s snow. Snow is cold. This is like kindergarten crap right here.”

“Whatever,” Jacob says. He casts a sharp look at Jackson and Nick, who are still laughing.

Jacob gets himself a coffee as well as Carter, before taking his own seat. “What time doe she usually wake up?”

“It varies. Anywhere from 7 until 10:30,” Jackson answers, taking a sip from his store-bought coffee.

“How did you have time to go to Starbucks? It’s freaking 6:45,”

“Well you guys get to go home once she falls asleep but I don’t,” Jackson rationalizes. “I have to be here in case she wakes up to monitor what she’ll do.”

“Oh. Does she wake up often?” Nick asks.

“Yeah, she does. At least twice a night.”

Jacob looks away. He still feels uncomfortable discussing her life. He knows that she signed a contract and it’s not his fault that she didn’t read what they’d be able to do. Actually, he doesn’t know that, and that’s what gets him through this. For all he knows, she read it, every letter. Maybe she has an inclination that this is occurring, maybe she knows. Maybe Kelsey or Anna broke their contracts and told her before filming began.

While Jacob tries to believe this, tries to make himself feel better, he knows that it’s unlikely.

There is rumbling on the screen, and the boys all look at each other.

“Was that… her stomach growling?” Carter ventures.

“I… think so?” Jackson answers questionably.

Alyssa groans and rolls over, grabbing her phone and checking the time. 7:10, the clock reads. She groans again and buries her face in the pillow. After a few moments of stillness, Alyssa appears to give up. She grabs her phone again and opens up an e-reader app.

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