Its Just a Cold

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Gray nervously chewed on his bottom lip, looking at his salamander. He was lying in bed, blanket wrapped around his shivering body, his face flushed with the high fever he had. Happy had left for medication a few hours ago; he still wasn’t back since the trip was usually a three day trip. Gray let out a sigh, all he wanted to do was hug his dragon slayer and tell him he’ll be okay but he knew it would just make the shivering worse. Natsu weakly smiled at Gray, hoarsely whispering how he’ll be okay. “Dammit Natsu I told you not to take that job,” “Gray it’s just a cold. Now will you come over here I wanna cuddle and you’ve been keeping away from me all day.” Natsu pouted, sticking his bottom lip out and giving Gray those sad eyes that always got his way.  Gray chuckled and stood up; he walked over to Natsu and swiftly kissed his forehead. He then walked into the kitchen and poured more broth into the porcelain bowl. He walked back into the bedroom and saw a sulking Natsu.  Gray knelt down and tried to get some broth into Natsu, Natsu huffed and turned his head refusing to look at Gray. “Come on Natsu don’t make me beg” Natsu scowled and stared at the ceiling; Gray narrowed his eyes and sighed deeply. “Natsu pleeeeaaaassseeeee for me?” “No!” “Natsu!” “Yes my ice princess?” “I don’t care that you’re sick I will kick your ass if you don’t take the freaking broth!” Natsu sighed in defeat then batted his eyelashes at Gray. “No.” Gray got to his feet and run his fingers through his hair in annoyance. “Natsu you’re being more annoying than your cat if that’s even possible!” “Oh my annoyed little ice pop it is!” Gray groaned and put a hand on his head in annoyance, another on his hip as he glared at Natsu. “If you don’t take the broth I will have Erza come in here and kick your ass so I won’t have to”  “What is your obsession with broth! Has it occurred to you that I could just not be hungry?!” Gray chuckled “Natsu, not hungry? Impossible!” “Asshole!” “Prick!”  “Shut up!” “Make me!” “Fine I will!” Natsu jumped up, stomped over to Gray, and punched him in the mouth. “Not what you expected huh Ice Pop!” “Get back in bed dumbass!” “Don’t tell me what to do!” “Don’t make me pick you up Natsu” “I bet you won’t do it!” “Really you stubborn little twit!” Gray grabbed Natsu from the middle and flung him over his shoulder, Natsu squirmed trying to get out of his grip. “Put me down you oversized ice cube!” Natsu shrieked, punching Gray’s back in the struggle. Gray flung Natsu onto the bed and tucked the blanket around him. Natsu glared angrily at Gray with his arms crossed. “Don’t give me that look” “I just wanted to cuddle but nooo you had to get into a fight with me.” “Natsu you seriously think that’s a good idea when you’re already cold.” “Gray pleeaaassseeeeeeeee” “Natsu” “Pleasepleasepleaseplease” Gray let out a sigh of defeat, and crawled into the bed with Natsu. Natsu let out a victory cry and shoved himself into Gray’s arms. Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu making sure the blanket kept his entire torso covered.  “You’re a meanie you know that” “Shut up Natsu” Natsu stretched his neck a bit and planted a kiss on the tip of Gray’s nose. “I’m gonna sleep now,” “Finally”


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