Memories of a Broken Heart

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        Gray sat in silence on the couch, a bottle of Jack Daniels in hand. It had been 3 years since he cheated on Natsu, and its been 3 years since the love of his life walked out and never came back. It was such a stupid decision to actually give into Juvia. He knew he was gay, but he just wanted to shut her up. The sex was meaningless and in his opinion, disgusting, but not in the good way. In the wrinkle your nose because it disgusts you type of disgusting. He was so stupid, why did he do it? Juvia knew it would ruin his and Natsu's relationship, so why did he walk into her trap? He tried to find Natsu. He searched all over. Lucy said he had moved away, and she couldn't tell him where  because she didn't even know herself. So he now sat on his worn down couch, drinking more of that disgusting alcohol. Trying to get the image of the pink haired man out of his mind. The look on his face when he walked in, and the smug look on Juvia's when she saw the first tear drip out of his eye. That stupid blue bitch. Gray let out a cry and threw the almost empty bottle of whiskey at the wall. It shattered loudly and he grabbed at his hair. Tears streamed down his face as he yanked on his hair. "stupid, stupid, STUPID" He shoved his face between his knees to calm himself down. Finally, he stood up. He walked to the counter, grabbing the pill bottle with shaking hands. He opened the bottle of sleeping pills and poured himself a glass of water. He took handfuls at a time, until the bottle was empty. The first smile in forever slid across his face. He walked back to the couch and laid down. Finally he would be able to get Natsu out of his head. He pulled the blanket over him and let his droopy eyes close. Darkness danced around him as he slipped away with the sound of Natsu's voice in his ears. But this wasn't a dream, it was reality. It was actually and before Gray could jump up and grab the phone. The little black machine talked soothingly to him as he finally slipped away. "Hey Gray... Its a- its been a while....."

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