Chapter 1 × Harry Potter and The Girl Who Came Back

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Weeeelll, I just got into Harry Potter and thought of something (this)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.


3rd Person's Pov

A figure strapped with gears, came out of the forbidden forest and grinned when they saw a familiar hut that is a little far away from a huge building made out of stones.

They walked towards the hut and knocked on the door and waited until a familiar man opened it.

" Hagrid! I missed you!" They exclaimed as they hugged him, though not missing the surprised look that formed on his face.

He took hold of their shoulders and hold them infront of him " Era? Wha-How?"

Era chuckled as he continued to stutter " It's nice to meet you too, I apologize for my absence. I've been travelling around the world for 4 years and learned alot as I stumbled by some witches and wizards"

He blinked a few times " Bu' why did ye go without sayin' a word? They even thought ye were death"

She shrugged " I was just getting bored of that old castle and if I had told everyone, it wouldn't be a surprise ey?" she said, gaining a chuckle from the brunette.

" Well do ye want t'go back? I was going to the great hall for dinner" he said.

" Duh, why did you think I came back?"


Like always at the beginning if the year, all the houses are gathered in the great hall for dinner in seperate tables while the 1st years were to wait for their names to be called so they can be put in a house.

The others watched, occasionally making some small talks, until the last 1st year was called and was assigned to one of the four houses.

Just after Dumbledore announced to enjoy their meals, the door flew open, gaining all the witches and wizards' attentions.

" Ladies and Gentlemeeen, The Mighty Era is back !" A voice shouted.

Era's Pov

I grinned as I walked forward, taking in the new faces that had appeared after the 4 years of my absence.

The 1st to the 5th years and the new professor looked confused as hell while the 6th, 7th and most of other professors stared at me, shocked would be an understatement, they looked as if they were looking at a ghost.

Though it wasn't long, since the 6th and 7th years from the Gryffindor and some from the other houses snapped out of it and started to cheer, probably louder than when a 1st year was put into any of their houses.

I faked a gasp and put my hands on my heart " Oh thank you thank you, I feel honoured" I said, dramatically while bowing before going back to walking straight forward until I reached the professor's table.

I smiled and leaned in their table " Oh it's good to see you guys again, Professors, you haven't changed a bit" I greeted them as Dumbledore smiled at me while the others looked at me in surprise.

" Where have you been, Era?" McGonagall asked.

I shrugged yet again " Here and there but we'll catch up later, I had planned to came back one more year but a little owl told me that Harry Potter is here" I said as she nodded and a voice stopped me before I can search for the boy.

" Era, can you come with me to my office?" I heard a wise voice said.

I turned to Dumbledore and nodded, following him.

3rd Person's Pov

As the mysterious and unexpected guest followed Dumbledore to his office, McGonagall and Snape excused themselves and followed after them, leaving Flitwick, Hagrid and some others to watch over the students.

The 1st to 5th years, including the trio, continued with their dinner while their seniors started to converse among themselves.

The trio decided to listen in onto what  their conversations.

" Oh thank Merlin, she's alive, I was starting to assume that the He-who-must-not-be-named had captured her"

" Yeah and I had been dying in boredom for the past 4 years"

The trio shared a look between themleves, how is she connected to Voldemort?

Era's Pov

I sat across from Dumbledore and smiled at him. I also side-glanced to see a couple of the teachers standing behind me.

" It's been a while since the last time I was here" I joked.

Dumbledore returned my smile " Indeed and your journey had been pleasant I take it?" He asked, I could feel the two's shock behind me.

I nodded and heard Snape asked " You knew and didn't tell anyone?"

Dumbledore chuckled " Ofcourse I knew, she even asked me to not tell anyone before leaving because I quote 'it would be interesting when she came back' " he said, eyes glinting in amusement.

I was always confused on how he did that but you're not the only one with that ability Professor, cue evil laugh, Muahahaha-... moving on.

Without even realizing it, I started to daydream and snapped out of it when Dumbledore said my name " So Era, seeing that you didn't pay attention to our discussion earlier" I chuckled nervously " You will continue your educations from where you left off, in the beginning of 2nd year which is the same as Harry" Dumbledore said as I took in his words.

I shrugged and thought out loud " Well a 16 year old in the 2nd year...." then I thought of all the possibilities before smirking " this should be fun, sure.. sure why not" I said.


We went back to the great hall with me still in my adventure clothes since the clothes before are too small and Dumbledore asked for everybody's attentions " I'll explain of what happened just now, well, this young lady just came back after a long time" he explained, gaining a few cheers as I winked at them.

" But because she had missed 4 years of education, she is to continue her study from where she left off , which is the 2nd year... So would you like to sit on your table, Era?" He asked me as I happily nodded and walked towards the, you've probably guessed it, Gryffindor's table but not before I took Jacob, the sorting hat's name, from the front and put it in my head.

" Welcome back Era" I heard him said from above me.

" Well, It's good to be back"


So how bout it?



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J Out!

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