Chapter 3 × Irritating a Certain Ginger Head

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Oh if you guys haven't figured it out yet , Reed and Gavin are my OCs though I borrowed their names from DBH 💙💙

Disclaimer : I don't own Harry Potter.


3rd Person's Pov

" WHO ARE YOU?!" Era dramatically asked , gaining more attentions from the others , including Snape , The Trio , Malfoy and Dumbledore who just chuckled.

Percy looked at Era confusingly , ignoring the looks that were sent to them " What do you mean?" He asked.

She pointed to Percy and narrowed her eyes , trying hard to not laugh at the 4 expressions " What did you do to our Percy?" She asked slowly as if she was talking to a criminal , gaining chuckles from the 6th and 7th years as they remembered all the things she did when she was in the 1st grade.

Percy rolled his eyes , realizing that this was another one of her antics and waved to the others " Nothing to see here boys and girls" he assured as most of them went back to eat , excluding The Trio , Malfoy , Snape and the Professors who were watching , either amused or confused.

Era decided to continue her act and looked to Percy " What had happened to my partner in crime?!" She , oh so dramatically , cried.

" I told you , it was you who always got into trouble , you always dragged me with you" he said , staring at the dramatic girl.

He sighed " I swear , you can be so dramatic sometimes" he said , shaking his head.

Era gasped more and put her hands on her heart as if she was hurt " Oh you wound me , Perc..." she said as she stopped her act temporarily , grinning evily while sitting back on her seat.

She turned so she is facing towards Oliver and lifted her feet onto Oliver's lap as well as leaned backwards onto Percy , putting one hand on her head and the other on her heart.

" I feel so wounded...."

Reed and Gavin chuckled at her behaviour while Percy and Oliver sighed but smiled at the girl , it is good to have her and her childish attitude back.


The audience that watched them were amused at her behaviour and chuckled.

" She's so close to my brother... Are they in a relationship?" Ron thought to himself while Hermione shook her head at him.

" Probably not , from the looks of it , the five of them were probably best friends or just close friends before she left to Merlin-knows-where" She said , gaining an eyeroll from Ron.

" Thank you Ms.Obvious" He retorted while Hermione rolled her eyes back at him.

" What do you think , Harry?" Ron asked his 4 eyed friend.

Harry , who was watching the scene , turned to his ginger friend and shrugged " Well , why don't we ask her later? Dumbledore did say that she will join the second years" He suggested , gaining nods from the other two.


" Would you get off of me?" Percy asked as he struggled to push Era away , though it seems that it was just a waste of energy.

Era continued to push her weight onto Percy , ignoring his complaints " Oh shut up , you would be able to push me away if you are strong" Era teased , gaining chuckles from her friends and a blush of embarrassment from the abused guy.

She chuckled darkly and continued the teasing " Has he been eating his veggies , guys? He is so skinny!"

" Yeah he has , but I think he had only eaten vegetables , considering the amount of muscles he has" Reed joked.

" Oh will you please shut it" Percy grumbled as Era chuckled , getting off of the two boys beside her before actually sitting normally in her seat.

" Aww.. Dwon't be mwad now" She teased him and continued for a little more until Gavin stopped her.

" Uh I think that's enough for today Era" he suggested.

" Yeah , I don't think his face can get any more redder" Reed mused as Era grinned and ruffling Percy's head.

" Alright I'll stop........ For now"

After a while , Dumbledore stood up and said " Alright now you may go to your dorms , your things will be found in your room , you will follow your prefect to your dorm , dismiss"

The students stood up and went to follow their own prefects.


3rd Person's Pov

I woke up late the next day , I regretted for sleeping late yesterday , I was catching up with Jacob as he ranted about the newbies' minds.

And I was put in a room with the other 2nd years , which is not surprising though it's cool , the girls are nice there.

I quickly washed myself and changed into a plain white shirt , leather jacket and black skinny jeans , due to my lack of robes , before rushing out of my deserted dorm , with Jacob on my head.

" Well I'm not even a little surprised that you woke up late... You were always late" Jacob commented from the top of my head as I rushed to my first class , which is Defence Against the Dark Arts.

" Might *pant* I inform you that I had been waking up early for the past 4 years *pant* , I woke up late today was because of a major jetlack" I defended myself as I ran through the empty halls , telling me that all of the students had already gone to their own respective classes.

" Uh huh... Yeah , suuure... I believe ya" Jacob replied , sarcastically , obviously not believing me one bit.

" I do too-" I cut my sentence short as I saw a familiar door that leads where the Defence Against the Dark Arts class takes place.

I regained my breath for a while before knocking on the door and opening it.

I walked in and ignored all the stares that the rest of the class are giving before bowing my head a little " Sorry Professor , I overslept" I said as silence filled the room.


Sooo Wassup?

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J Out!

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