Never Close Our Eyes - Alicia

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🎶I wish that this night would never be over

There's plenty of time to sleep when we die

So let's just stay awake until we grow older

If I had my way we'd never close our eyes, our eyes, never! 🎶 ~ Adam Lambert

"Alicia Ray you need to turn down this music right now and go get ready for school" Alicia's mom said

After Alicia's mom left the room:

" *Shrugs* If i had my way we'd never close our eyes, our eyes never!" Alicia sang

As Alicia was getting ready listening to the radio:

"To all you Adam Lamberts #Glamberts out there you know Adam is coming here for his big tour! Tickets have been sold out but for that lucky caller number 30 you will get 2 VIP backstage access tickets to Adam Lamberts concert!"

Alicia screamed of joy she prayed to god that she would be caller number 30! Alicia never tried to win any of these radio station contests but she loves Adam Lambert, he is her king in every way. As she called for the first time

"Hello who is this?" Radio host said

"OH MY GOD?! ALICIA RAY!" Alicia said

"Alicia.....YOU'RE CALLER NUMBER 30!" Radio host said

Alicia nearly fell to the floor screaming and crying of excitement she just won 2 VIP tickets to Adams concert.

"Alicia what on gods green earth are you screaming...are you crying? What is going on?" Alicia's mom asked

"Mom i just won 2 tickets to see Adam oh my god i need to call Shay!" Alicia said

"You can tell her at school when you tell her you're not going i forbid it Alicia!" Alicia's mom said

Alicia's mom was very protective of her daughter she was always thinking the worst of what could happen, many thought she was just a strict mother but deep down she did this out of love.

"Mom i am 17 years old you can't tell me what to do i am nearly a grown woman! I am going to this concert" Alicia yelled

"Girl you better rephrase what you just said to me! I will not tolerate that kind of attitude in my house! Get your stuff it's time for school" Alicia's mom said

On the drive to school the car was dead silent tension between Alicia and her mom,

"Mom i am sorry i didn't mean to be disrespectful back at the house i just wish you'd let me live a little opportunities like this only happen once in a lifetime. These tickets are something i could never afford if Adam ever tours here again....please" Alicia said

"Honey i'm sorry you think i'm ruining your life i just don't want you to make any mistakes i did when i was your age, surely when you grow up and ever have a child you'll understand" Alicia's mom said

As they pulled up to the school Alicia opened the door looked back and said "I love you mom", As she walked through the campus to get to her locker she ran into her best friend Shay.

"Alicia there you are! Where have you been? I've been texting you like crazy, did you hear on the radio they gave away tickets to see Adam?!!" Shay said

"Yeah...I am the one that won. I was caller number 30 but my mom told me I'm not allowed to yay i guess" Alicia said

"Why would she say no? This is once in a lifetime! I hope she changes her mind we have 1 week to plan what we are going to wear!! I am the one who is going with you right? *laughs*" Shay said

"haha yes you would be going with me who else? *winks* we should probably get to class I don't need another lecture from somebody" Alicia said

First period had begun the bell rang seconds before Alicia and Shay could make it into the classroom as they walked in there teacher Mrs. Rice was handing back all the students graded essays, Alicia always had a talent when it came to writing she was so passionate about her essay she was hoping she would get an A+ on her work, but once she got to her desk she seen a grade C-.

"Alicia i would like to speak to you after class" Mrs. Rice said

Alicia was speechless and deep down pissed off she couldn't wait for class to be over to ask Mrs. Rice the reasoning for her low grade. Mrs. Rice always was hard on her students but seemingly had it out for Alicia or so she thought. Once class was over and the rest of the students left Alicia anxiously awaited the reasoning for her low grade;

"Mrs. Rice why did my essay get a C-? I thought i did a damn good job on this, you said write an essay on a person you idolize and how they inspire you and i did just that" Alicia said

"Alicia....darling yes the assignment was great actually the best work in the class but i don't condone your choice of who you idolize. Adam Lambert? He's a sin all in one with his homosexuality maybe you should choose another famous person and I'll give you an A+" Mrs. Rice replied

"Are you kidding me? No mean for disrespect Mrs. Rice but that's discrimination! You can't give me a shitty grade all because of your beliefs in lifestyle choices! Love is love and who are you to tell me who i should look up to?" Alicia furiously replied

"You are out of line young lady you better get out of my classroom right now before i give you an F on your report how would you like that?" Mrs. Rice said

After Mrs. Rice threatened Alicia, Alicia just gave her a dirty look and walked out of the classroom in disbelief, shocked wanting to scream. Shay was waiting by Alicia's locker waiting to find out what happened;

"Alicia what happened? You look pissed!" Shay said

"Yeah i am more than pissed i am disgusted by who our teacher Mrs. Rice is! She is a homophobic bitch! Her reason for giving me a bad grade was because i chose Adam! She flat told me i should choose another famous person to idolize" Alicia said

After Alicia told Shay the entire story Alicia vowed she planned on standing up to Mrs. Rice and was not going to be pushed around by her anymore.

Later that day when Alicia was walking home from school a guy named Patrick McDonald began calling Alicia's name "Alicia! Alicia wait up for me", Alicia had always had the biggest crush on Patrick since they were younger she always loved Patrick's country accent.

"Hey Patrick *smiles*" Alicia said

Alicia was always a tomboy at heart she always was comfortable being "one of the guys" her and Patrick were buddies.

"So I'm going to this party later and i was wondering if you'd wanna come?" Patrick asked

"I don't know my mom doesn't like me going to parties, she'll immediately think alcohol and drugs are involved" Alicia said

"C'mon sugar this isn't the kinda party we'd be going too trust me it'll be fun trust your good ol' country boy" Patrick said

*blushes* "Okay well now that you put it that way....okay i'll go" said Alicia

"Great! I'll text you later to pick you up *winks" Patrick said *Kisses cheek*

After Patrick kissed Alicia on the cheek inside she died of happiness! Her heart was racing, butterflies in her stomach mentally she was saying;

HOLY FUCK! IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?! Jesus you're good to me good god how will i survive tonight! Oh wait i probably should get home before i faint...

🎶If I had my way we'd never close our eyes, our eyes, never🎶 ~ Alicia singing and dancing on the way home

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