Therapy Sessions - Berry

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*opens eyes*

It was an early morning Berry was preparing for his therapy session with Dr. Salvatore who he's been going too for the past 6 months. It all started when his first love James died in a tragic car accident Berry went into a rehabilitation center for his depression on suicide watch he felt his world was going to end, James took care of Berry in ways nobody else could he took care of him when he was down from his anxiety/social anxiety. He sheltered him from all the negativity he always made sure Berry was at the top of his game and happy. When Berry arrived for his therapy session with Dr. Salvatore he was a nervous wreck it always felt like it was the first session all over again. As Berry sat down Dr. Salvatore began talking to Berry as he knew he was nervous and was just sitting there quiet looking all around the room.

"Berry, tell me what you're feeling inside. What's been on your mind?' Dr. Salvatore said

"Dr. Salvatore it's something i can't explain I have anxiety/panic attacks everyday worrying about my future, i wake up every night with nightmares." Berry said

"Berry you can call me Chris, I think of us at friends I'm not just your therapist. Right now it seems like nothing is going to improve but in my opinion you will achieve great things in the future and I am going to help you in every way i can." Dr. (Chris) Salvatore said

When Chris told Berry that he would be there for him in any way he could Berry for the first time in a long time actually believed what was being said to him, he had hope that he once thought would never exist again.

"Thank you Chris, over these past few months it's been hard I still have flashbacks about James as if it was yesterday, all i see each day is him telling me goodbye before he went to work and telling me he loved me. I can't thank you enough for all you're doing for me." Berry said

After Berry finished talking he got up and walked towards Chris and gave him a hug, he held on tight for a few moments. Chris wiped the tears from Berry's face and said;

"It's going to be alright, I'm going to give you my personal cell phone number in case you need me, never hesitate to call."

"Thank you Chris, I honestly don't know what i'd do without you *hug*" Berry said

After Chris giving Berry his contact info, Berry was on his way to meeting his best friend Cherry at the house for lunch. Cherry has always looked over Bery ever since James died she knew Berry can't be alone all the time. She stays at Berry's house 3 times a week they are best friends, like family as they say "twins" in another lifetime. As they sat in the backyard Cherry began saying:

"How was therapy today dear? Are you still seeing that therapist Dr. Salvatore? Do you even have a picture of him?"

"Therapy was...well different today i guess you could say Dr. Salvatore told me i can call him Chris from now on, he said that he looks at our relationship as friends and that he wants to be there for me." Berry said

"Chilllllllld are you going to date your therapist? LOL i mean it sounds like he's interested?" Cherry said

*blushes* "oh my god Cherry! I don't think he has that intention of being there for me in that way, I don't think i'll ever be able to date someone or love someone like i did James. It's so hard but i mean...i don't know it could happen? You have me thinking about this now damn you! *nudges arm*" Berry said

"Child i am just kidding don't worry, I would like to see a picture of him though." Cherry said

After Cherry brought up the idea of Berry dating Chris it left Berry wondering if there was that slight chance Cherry could be right...maybe Chris does have more than a professional feeling towards him.

"Berry I'm going over staying the night at Andy's for a day or two you'll be okay right?" Cherry said

"Things are getting good between you two huh? He is hot! Yeah yeah i'll be fine go have fun girl!" Berry said

"Alright child I'll spill the tea later to you on what happens gotta love our hot topics yass hunniii!" Cherry said

Once Cherry left Berry began writing in his journal, it was a way he kept calm when he felt an anxiety attack coming as well as listening to music. As the day went on and the sunset was going down Berry walked around in his backyard breathing in the fresh air, the sound of the waterfall kept his mind at ease. As Berry was walking back into the house he heard a odd noise he thought Cherry must've forgotten something.

"Cherry? Cherry is that you?" Berry said

He began walking through the house calling her name "Cherry?' he seen a shadow coming from his bedroom down the hall... "Hello? who's in there?" Berry's voice began to stutter walking slowly up the hallway. Once he walked into his bedroom it was James! Berry felt as if he was hallucinating

"James? How are you here? I must be dreaming" Berry said

Berry began reaching his hand out to touch James face as he got closer James was all in Berry's imagination. As Berry realized it was all in his head; he began crying wishing his heartbreak would just fade away.

"I want my life back...I can't go on living this way!" Berry said

*Throws vase at the wall* glass shattered everywhere.....

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