Friends With Benefits - Berry

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Glass shattered everywhere....Berry breaking down in his room crying to the point of hyperventilating it was the breaking point for Berry. "How can i live on like this" Berry asked himself, as he was crying he wanted to call Cherry but didn't want to interrupt her time with Andy so he remembered that Dr. Chris Salvatore told him that he could call him anytime that he needed someone and Berry did just that...

"Dr. Salvatore its Berry I dond't know who else to call i just need someone to be here by my side i feel like i am losing it." a upset Berry said

"Berry remember you can call me Chris we are friends, I'll be there as soon as i can just stay calm" Chris Said

With Berry waiting for Chris to arrive he gets even more anxious thinking back to what Cherry said about him dating his therapist...

"Could it happen?"Berry asked himself

Berry walked out to the front porch of the house awaiting Chris's arrival feeling nervous with butterflies, nervous with anxiety of the unknown. Chris then arrives walking up and hugging Berry comforting him, Berry felt safe in Chris's arms they've known each other for quite awhile with all the therapy sessions. As they get back into the house

"Can i make you coffee? Tea?" Berry asked

"Water would be just fine Berry you shouldn't feel the need to entertain me, I'm here for you" Chris replied

They sat outside by the garden in the backyard where Berry felt most at peace, they begin talking and Berry explains what he had been through earlier in the day seeing James's spirit leading to the bedroom holding out his hand he began telling Chris how he felt it was as if James was telling him to let go and be free to move on.

"I just feel I'm at my breaking point my anxiety is getting worse I am feeling depressed, this is all seems it's based around being alone the rest of my life relationship wise" Berry said

"Berry let me be honest with you you're not alone I am single myself now it may seem scary with all your doubtful thoughts but you can't predict your future based on your fears. You must find the courage to change and to better yourself before you can feel mentally ready to go out on the dating scene" Chris replied

"What if I'm blind about love Chris? My soul-mate could be right in front of me and i would be blind to not see it" Berry said

Deep down inside Berry wanted to tell Chris he is the one he feel is his soul-mate but was too scared to even say it out loud, he worried that Chris wasn't even gay.

"You're a bright guy Berry anybody would be lucky to have you. I feel lucky just knowing you. You're special" Chris said

At first Berry thought he was hallucinating hearing Chris call him "Special" and "Anybody would be lucky to have you" he felt it was coming close to something happening. He was praying to the lord to give him strength hoping he doesn't make any mistakes with Chris.

"God don't let me screw this up...Guide me what to say right here and now Jesus take my wheel and drive me to Nazareth!!! Lord here i go i need to say something oh lord" Berry said mentally

"You're so amazing to say all of this, But lets talk about you for a second...How could a guy like you be...well single? Any girl is crazy not wanting to be with you" Berry said

"hahaha Berry I thought you would've known this about me I...I'm gay *blushes* i feel like I'm coming out all over again oh gosh" Chris replied

Berry's heart dropped "OH MY GOD" moment not realizing what to say or even how to react the heart wanted what the heart wanted AKA wanted to suck on Chris's lips!

"Chris you're gay? Well them boys are crazy not to have a fox like you...wait did i just say this out loud? oh my gosh erase that comment from your head i mean you're my therapist...a hot one might i add LORD i am digging my grave aren't i maybe i should just stop talking.." Berry rambled on

Embarrassed as Berry was flirting with Chris he didn't want to pass up the opportunity at someone who could be his true love

"Maybe we should stop talking...." Chris said as he got up

Chris got up and kissed Berry!

Berry pushed Chris back for a second "wait you're my therapist are you sure this is right? I know I'm probably over thinking but" Berry said before Chris interrupted "Just shut up and kiss me *laughs*"

Things were heating up quickly between Berry and Chris they made there way back inside the house Chris started unbuckling his pants lifting his shirt up although the moment was spicing up Berry was anxious because it had been a long time since he's been so intimate with a person.

"Chris...I want this but i don't know if i am ready *sigh*" Berry said

"Oh, oh I don't want to pressure you into anything you're not ready for maybe i should leave.." Chris said

As Chris was thinking of leaving, Berry pushed Chris onto the couch unbuckling Chris's pants and taking off his shirt.

"I don't want you to leave, i want you to heal me right here and right now Dr. Salvatore *winks*" Berry said while began straddling him

As the two had hot passionate sex through the evening into the night things got even hotter

*moans* give it to me harder *bites lip* 'oh Dr. Salvatore....*laughs*'

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