~Chapter 1 Beginning Of The End

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= Luna Pierce POV =

  "That fu-fudging hurt!" I shouted before falling down on the cold hard concrete. I just wanted to stay home and sleep...

  ~A Few Moments Ago..
  *Typing noises and mumbling* "check..check, anime list? Definitely CHECK! Last on the list..Homework~ half check?" I mean I wrote the questions down? That's already an achievement!

  I hurriedly rushed through my checklist and planners which consists of mostly released dates of anime and mangas that I always keep track of!
  Today's plan includes a trip to the HOLY GROUNDS Akihabara~ra~ra~ra the echos just proof my point ITS HOLY I tell you!

  The day went as per normal, nothing really special happened other then a live concert done by latest trending Idol group "STARS & KISSES" I kinda bought 'some' merchandise... (^.^;)
After endless walking and wallet killing..I decided to head back home and sleep! I am after all a sleepy head~
  "Poor Mr Wallet..I will make sure to make you full of coins again after I get my paycheck from working extra hours at my part time job!" Hopefully..

  As I was busy crying over my empty wallet, I felt a huge impact on my head I screamed and almost ALMOST cursed, the next thing I knew I was on the hard cold floor in pain..


  I am now staring at my poor lifeless body.. " I can't BELIEVE this just happened! Can't I at least die a less EMBARRASSING way!? I'm only 16!" As I continued complaining I failed to notice a presence behind me..until I heard a voice that instantly made my heart ache. Ghost can hurt too ok..=.=
  "Hello Luna..it has been awhile hasn't it?" This sweet voice which I missed ever so much. I turned around and there she stood, my Dead sister.

  "Katherine..?" I stood there still confused. The next thing I knew I felt something dripping down my face..I lifted my hands and felt it, "Tears..? Haha..how long has it been since I cried.." I laughed softly. Suddenly I felt my body being pulled into a warm and loving hug, "I missed you Luna! I missed you so much.." Katherine said hugging me, I could hear her sniffing probably crying like a crybaby too..

  "It seems that we are still the same huh." I said smiling, tears all dried up. "Yeah..both still crybabies.." we both laughed not even bothering to ask questions..the only thing going on in our minds was to cherish this one moment that was thought to be lost forever. After that little heart warming moment, I decided to start talking.

  "Soo~your a reaper now? Cause sis that is one HELL of a scythe!" My sister looked at me all traces of tears GONE and I swear I saw stars in her eyes..(o_o;)
  "YES! Did you know how hard it was to get this scythe? It's blade is made with a dragons tooth! And not just any dragon..THE DRAGON KING OF HELL! I trained so hard I almost lost my limbs! Seriously, I was only 1 inch close to lossing my arms..Bosu's 'training' is kinda intense..OH and do you know that it was forged using a thought to be lost method! It is al-" Before Katherine could continue sharing about her precious scythe, I hurriedly stopped her by changing the subject. I'm so glad I did..

  "Yeah really cool! We can talk about how you got your scythe later, for now..what do I do?" My sister paused as if she had just realized the situation I was in..I had died and since I have never DIED before I was extremely confused..

  She hurriedly pulled out a skull from her small pouch which for some UNKNOWN reason could fit such a large object without exploding. She started to breathe in and out and then shouted out a name. "HELLIKO!" Mist started to emerge out of the skulls mouth, its eyes started to glow a bright red. And then..a voice was heard.

  My poor ears are bleeding can ghost even bleed? I turned towards my sister who was seemingly unaffected.
"Well that someone is me Katherine your BOSS, so Who's going to be saying goodbye to their life now huh MR Ike..?"
  I never thought my sister would talk to someone like that..and here I thought I was the only sadistic one!
*Thump* "I'm guessing from that sound the person who you called MR Ike has fainted."

  "Ike this is important so wake up before I wake you up myself..and we wouldn't want that would we?" I felt the chills, my sister sounded like a boss! Oh wait she is a boss...
  Right after my sister said those words we heard rumbling noises as if things were getting pushed out of the way. MR Ike spoke but his tone had changed drastically from high and mighty to polite and professional.
  "Yes Lady Katherine, what can this lowly being help you with?" I could almost imagine a smile on his face..

  "I need you to meet me at the office together with Bosu, it's an emergency that involves my sister.."
   I stared in confusion towards my sister, sensing my confusion she turned towards me and started to explain the situation.
  "Normally when a person dies they get sent straight to the other world with a Reaper and is then judged by the angels. But..you weren't supposed to die in the first place." I looked at her confused. "If I wasn't supposed to die then why DID I did?" She went into a thinking pose and looked at me," I'm not sure, all I know was that your name had suddenly appeared on my booklet of death.. ones death is always planned early, it's part of fate. However, your name had appeared the very second before your death! Which is impossible.."

  I was afraid, I had finally reunited with my dearest sister. Are we going to have to be separated again..? As if sensing my uneasiness she comforted me. " It's alright I will find a way out of this mess, we will never be separated ever again." She smiled gently at me, I felt relieved..I will make sure we will never be separated ever again and nothing will separate us...Nothing.






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