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''Please follow me, Sir – hes in room number 22A. If you could wait here, Doctor Drapehs is going to be here any minute." Henry nodding monotonically, sucking in some air. Not knowing what to say Lina rests her hand on his shoulder, looking into his eyes trying to give him some hope. As much as she would've loved to tell him that Shawns gonna be okay, she couldn't. ''Hey, are you okay tho?", Henry asked Lina when he noticed her hands were shaking. ''I...I don't know what's going on with me, I'm sorry.", she excused herself and went straight tot he toilets. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, standing there almost hypnotized. She took a deep breath, whiped her tears away and told herself to calm down. As Lina had started working in her uncles bar, she hasn't known how much feelings can distract you, and at the same time keep you going. One normal evening, it must be 3 weeks ago now, she had spotted him as he had entered the bar with his guitar on his back, his hair soaked from the rain outside. He must've walked all the way. Since then she's listened to every single of his performances. Until a couple of days ago. Lina's never liked herself, found herself pretty or enjoyed being the way she is. That's why she's never been with anyone before, the fear not to be good enough, not tob e enough at all. She has tried to deny her feelings towards Shawn, as she sees it ridiciolous. Falling for someone you've never said a word to, let alone who has never said a word to you, very funny. But tho he hasn't left her mind for those 3 weeks she's ''known" him. His voice, so soft and tho so powerful.  A person that kind and openhearted, handsome like hell in addition. Why would or should he e v e r like her at all, why should he ever care about her at all, just those questions seem like a waste of energy and time to Lina, no doubt.
New tears rolling down her cheeks. He just had a damn car accident, maybe isn't going to wake up anymore, who knows, and she's thinking like that. Oh how she hates herself.
Heading back to room 22A, she can't see Henry anymore. Carefully opening the door a couple of inches as she could interrupt someone inside of the room, holding her breathe Lina steps in. There he is. Henry. Leaning on the end of a hospital bed, his head between his arms. A dozen of machines making unsettling sounds, all of them leading tot he person lying in the bed. Shawn. His body covered by a blanket, only his left arm resting on his chest, covered in something looking similar to a splint. A huge tube going into his mouth, almost his whole face covered in a mask. ''Heeey, it's alright.", Henry coming over to her and taking her into his arms, trying to calm Lina down. She didn't even notice that she started crying.
''Is" – ''Yes, he is gonna be okay.", Henry answering her unspoken question, ''The doc just left before you came in. They put him into coma because the couldn't be sure whether he got a craniocerebral trauma. He had several internal bleedings, but they seem to have fixed everything. They had to perform an emergency surgery, but now he's stable so far. The doc said he should be waking up in the next two days, they are starting to put him off the drugs which make him sleep tonight if his condition keeps improving..."
"But how did this even happen?", Lina asked, more calm now but still sobbing. ''They have literally no idea. The police told the medicals he just crashed into the car infront of him with 120 km/h, not perceiving that it slowed down. He was so lucky that his airbag blew up fast enough, he could've...he could've been dead now." Lina's look was enough to tell Henry what she was thiking, how could Shawn just miss a car infront of his eyes slowing down. ''Duh, I have no clue. Either he has fallen asleep, but that doesnt sound like him at all. But they found a couple of things in his car, indicating that he's slept there the night before. You know...he hasn't quite been himself the last days...", Henry finished with a huge sigh staring at his best friend laying on his bed, looking like a corpse, which was insanly scaring him. Only his chest lifting up and dropping each time after another showed that he was breathing, still alive therefore. ''There is no way I'm gonna go home tonight, his parents won't be here before the weeked. They're still in Jamaica and the next flight unfortunately goes this Saturday. And as he could be waking up soon, I'm completly staying.", Henry had already carried a chair next to the bed whilst talking , now sitting down. ''Okay, I'm gonna get us a coffee quickly, you stay – I stay", Lina answered, already leaving the room. As she came back 20 minutes later, the damn coffee machiene had been run out of cups and had to be refilled, Henry was asleep, his head lying on Shawns matrace. "Hey", Lina gently waking him up, "you should really get some rest. You can lay down, I'm gonna stay here and get you as soon as anything happens, alright?" Henry didn't really make it to react, he just went over to the second free bed, which wasn't  standing next to Shawn's, layed down and was immediately gone.
Lina must've fallen asleep herself, she suddenly was woken up by one of the machienes getting louder and louder. She istantly rushed over to Henry and woke him up, her heart almost jumping out of her chest. Why was nobody coming? Should she get a doctor? What is happening to Shawn? They went over to his bed again, now standing next to him as if they could prevent him from getting worse that way. Finally a nurse entered the room, motonically pressing some buttons and shutting the loud sound of the monitor down: "Don't be afraid, this means something good. He is getting his consciousness back more and more, this computer is responsible for monotoring his heart frequency. During the process of further waking up it's completly normal fort he patient to develop a faster frequency. It's caused by the medicine. If you need anything, I'm outside at the counter.". Henry sighed relieved. "Did she just say he's waking up?", Lina said, facing Henry. "She did.", he answered smiling, pulling her into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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