chapter 8

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"Now y/n, tell me about yourself."

Again, what?

The fuck do you say to that? Hi, my name is (y/n) and I come from a different world set a hundred years after this one. Now, how do you like your tea, sweet? (y/n) swallowed the lump in her throat.

"I... beg your pardon?" With a strong urge to slap herself, (y/n) flinched under the sharp gaze of the prince. She was pretty sure he was close to stabbing her a thousand times over with the look he was giving her.

"There's not much to tell, my prince."

"Where do you get your skills from, (y/n)? It's not everyday slaves walk up to drowned men and cure them with a kiss."


"What?" It came out louder, harsher than she intended it to be.

Ivar sat comfortably in front of the fire, eyeing her with disdain. There was a distinct lack of tolerance Ivar had for bullshit and disobedience unless it entertained him. With the look he was giving her now, he was less than entertained, annoyed even.

Fuck me he looks hot.

Yeah and we're about to die, any other observations you wanna make before death?

"I mean, uh, skills? I don't have any, I'm a slave." (y/n) couldn't decide if keeping quiet would of been the better option. There is a time and a place for certain thoughts, but (y/n) couldn't seem to care as she thought that choosing Ubbe as her favourite prince would have been safer than the displeased Ivar before her. Made Ubbe would have fucked he first instead of entertaining the thought of killing her or using her to please the Gods.

"You say that, but was it not you that saved the boy earlier thsi day?" So it was Ivar at the healer's tent this afternnon, noted.

(y/n) swallowed the lump forming in her throat. Okay, since the ignorant act was not working, it was time to chanel her inner Freydis energy and woo Ivar into BACKING THE FUCK OFF.

"Yes." (y/n) said with a steady voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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