The Bullying Begins

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"Now Misty, the other students here won't like the fact that you are friends with Aqua, but you have to remember that you can't do anything to the other students. Even if they start it, okay?" Ruby whispers, getting down to my level, in front of the door to the dorm. I nod, thinking that I would not want to start any problems for the Hufflepuff house. Ruby motions for me to open the door, which I do without looking away from Ruby, causing her to smile widely.
"Misty, that is incredible. You haven't even been here for a day and you already memorized how to get in." She laughed, quickly getting me into the common room. I sat down on the couch, only to see that Ruby was motioning toward the door.
"We both have classes tomorrow, and the professors hate late students. You better head to bed." She whispered, looking firm.
"But Ruby, the other girls don't like me." I started, only to be stopped by the look Ruby was giving me. Slowly walking toward my dorm, I said goodnight to Ruby, who gave me a smile. As I entered the dorm, all the other girls stopped talking and looked at me, then started to laugh. I smiled, hoping to show I wasn't fazed, only to notice that a few girls were glaring at me. Shrugging them off, I put on my pajamas and hopped into bed, and quickly fell asleep.
The next morning, I shot up from someone shaking me. It was one of the other girls from my dorm.
"You need to get dressed quickly, before they destory your uniform." She said, both quietly and quickly. I quickly put on my uniform, just as a few of my dormmates walked in with scissors. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me, in my uniform. I glared at them, showing them I knew their plan.
"Who woke you up? It was just gonna be a harmless prank." The leader said, laughing with her friends. I grinned, and quickly said, "A prank that would have lost our house points due to me being late to class. And that would make Ruby, our prefect, very upset." The group looked at each other shocked, as I walked through them, toward the common room. In the common room was the other girls in groups, who all stopped talking to stare at me.
"Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a nice day." I smiled, gathering my things, and heading out to the hallway. Taking a deep breath, I started to make my way to the great hall for breakfest, being followed by the rest of the house. Ruby ran up to me, and we talked until we made it to the hall. That's when I saw Aqua, and quickly ran over to say hi.
"AQUA!!" I yelled, running over to her. "How was your night?" I asked, giving her a hug. She smiled at me, then quickly shrank away. I noticed all the other slytherins were glaring at her, and nodded. I mouthed, "See you in class.", and went back to my table. Ruby smiled at me, probably hoping to make me feel better.
Breakfest went by pretty fast, and then I had to run to Potions class, which sounded exciting. As I was walking, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and quickly turned to see Aqua smiling at me.
"Sorry about back there. Last night was bad enough, and I didn't want them to say anything in front of you." She explained, as we got closer to the potions classroom. I nodded, explaining what had happened that morning. Aqua laughed, telling me that they filled her pillow with some sort of goo, causing her to not have a pillow. We laughed with each other as we both entered the classroom, causing everyone already in there to turn and look at us. I saw the two Gryfindors from the train, sitting with a bunch of other of their house. Apparently they noticed I saw them, as they stood up and yelled, "Look! It's the slytherin and her mudblood hufflepuff pet." Aqua quickly looked down, tears starting to form in her eyes, and I just glared at them, remembering what Ruby said last night.
"And what a shame that the gryfindors got two loud mouthed boys, who bully two perfectly fine girls." A ravenclaw boy said from the corner, standing up and moving over to us. Aqua and I smiled at him, and he motioned for us to join his table. We moved over there, and introduced ourselves.
"It's nice to meet you two. I'm Gabe, and obviously I'm a ravenclaw. Umm.. Are you okay?" He asked, turning to me. I nodded, a little confused. "It's just they called you a mudblood. Doesn't that bother you?" He asked, looking worried.
"Is that a bad thing? I don't know what that means. Didn't grow up in the wizard world with these weird words." I explained, getting some laughs from some of the tables, and looks of pity from others. Aqua couldn't even look me in the eye, scaring me a little.
"Well.. They were making fun of you for being muggle-born. Or umm having non-magic parents. Calling your blood dirty." Gabe explained, causing me to turn around and glare at the two boys. They turned back toward their table, and started pointing at our table. I turned back around, and gave Aqua a hug.
"I know what you're thinking Aqua. This isn't your fault, okay? Those two just want to make us lose points by starting something." I say, trying to make her smile. She wiped away the tears in her eyes and smiled back at me.
"How come I have a student crying in my classroom? Somebody explain right now." I hear behind me, turning to see a teacher with her red hair tied into a bun, and wearing gryfindor colors. She was staring at Aqua, who was desperatly trying to wipe the tears out of her eyes. Everyone in the class was looking around at each other.

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