Dark Arts

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Entering the classroom, I lock eyes with the gryffindor girl who told on the boys from her house. I smiled at her, only to get a glare back, making me shrink back. Not paying attention while trying to find a seat, I run into someone and end up dumping my books all over the floor.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I blurt out, gathering up my books. Another pair of hands start to pick my stuff, one hand being directed for me to take. I grab it, looking up, to see a gryffindor smiling down at me.
"I-i.. I'm sorry again. I should have been watching." I say again, picking up my stuff. The boy shrugged, still holding my hand, making me blush.
"I'm just glad that someone as cute as you bumped into me." He smiled, after he saw me smile. "Besides you looked like you were trying to find somewhere to sit. I got a free spot beside me." He added, looking over at one of the other gryffindor boys to move. I started to oppose, but he said, "Take it as an apology for getting in your way.", so I accepted, sitting down next to him. "I'm Clay by the way." He whispered, putting his hand out for me to shake. Shaking his hand, I introduced myself, "I'm Misty. Nice to meet you, and thanks for the spot." He nodded, just as the teacher walked in, blowing past all of us to the front of the room. He turned toward all of us, and with a booming voice said,
"Good day students. This is Defence against the Dark Arts. I'm Professor Hazel, and you should work to the best of your ability." Everyone quieted down, turning toward the professor. Clay looked over at me, as I probably looked as scared as I felt, and placed his hand over mine, which helped me calm down. The professor called out for us to open our books to page.65, a section on defensive spells. This page was on the Patronus Charm, and Professor Hazel told us to work together in order to produce the charm. Clay and I looked at each other, in a 'partners?' way, and started to laugh. Both of us looked over the page a few times, then pulled out our wands to try the spell. I think of my family and I on our weekend picnics, and do the wand movements, producing a small white light. Clay on the other hand, produces a hare, who jumps around the classroom, catching the professor's attention.
"While you two are the only ones to get something, so you are doing the best. Good job." He simply said, glaring over at me. Clay and I high-fived, getting everyone else to glare at us. We both sat down, talking about what we thought of. He tells me that he has a little brother, who would always push him into the lake that they lived next too. Hearing that makes me laugh, as I tell him about my sister. Clay asks me to try the charm again, now that I seem calmer, so I stand up and pull out my wand. He gets up, guiding me as I move the wand, and I think of my sister and I playing around with our mother's makeup. This time, a basset hound starts to run around in the air, stopping to sit on the professor's desk, who looks up and stares at me again.
"Well, now we have two patronuses, and class will be over soon, so start packing up." He annouces, writing down on papers. Clay and I start to grab our books, and I stopped when I noticed him staring at me.
"Do I have something on my face?" I ask, covering my face. He laughes, pulling my hands away, and says, "Just admiring the beauty before me." I start to blush, pulling him into a hug, and whisper into his ear, "You're pretty cute too." When I let go, he's blushing as hard as he can. That's when the bell rings, sending a flood of people out into the hallway. I tell Clay that I have to go to my next class, and turn to leave, only to feel a hand holding onto mine.
"What class?" Is all he says, still holding my hand. I look at my schedule, seeing flying lessons. He smiles, grabbing his stuff, still not releasing my hand, and takes me into the hallway. We end up at the training grounds, where I see Aqua and Gabe talking to each other at the other side of the field. They both turn and look at me, noticing Clay holding my hand, and run over.

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