Chapter 50: What's happening at HQ?

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Hato's P.O.V.

I flopped down on the soft blanket in my tent and sighed with relief. We had just spent the entire day training with Haruhi to get ready for him and let's just say she's not going easy on us. First, Haruhi made us run laps around the wall around the Shiganshina district for about a few hours, then she made us do four hundred sit ups while sitting on our backs, four hundred crunches, 10 minutes of planks (H: I'm not joking when I say this, but my friend did a plank for 7 minutes), and four hundred lunges. And this wasn't even the hard part. When we were done with everything in the morning, we ate ham sandwiches for lunch and went right back to training til 6 in the afternoon.

I rolled around on my blanket so that I was laying on my back and looked at the night sky through the small window in my tent. We ended training about three hours ago and we just finished dinner, so it was about time to go to bed. But for some reason, even though I was extremely tired, I couldn't sleep. Something was nagging me, and it wouldn't let my mind rest.

It was about the survey corps. I was worried about what was happening there every since Chelsea and I left two days ago. I knew they must be panicking like crazy, thinking I was kidnapped again, but we had to do it. We can't let the kid kill off the rest of humanity, but even so I was still feeling guilty.

I turned my head to the door to my tent when I heard the zipper move. Someone pushed the door to the tent up and looked me in the eyes, the moonlight casting a shadow over her face. Her long hair was down and she was wearing her red glasses.

"Oh hey Chelsea," I said while sitting up," Why are you still up?"

"I couldn't sleep," Chelsea replied as she crawled into my tent," So I came to see if it's the same with you."

"Well, it is," I said while looking at her night clothes.

She was wearing a light purple, long sleeve, button up shirt and and long pants. They had golden diamonds all over it and a few stars.

"Those night clothes look cute on you," I said.

"Thank you," she said," Yours too."

I looked down at mine as Chelsea zipped the door close. I was wearing a red tank top and black leggings. Nothing much to it, but it's comfy.

"Thanks," I said," Anyways, what's keeping you awake?"

"It's probably the same as yours," said Chelsea," Then again, there are many reasons that you couldn't sleep. The boy that wants the feather, your old home, the power that was given to you, leaving the survey corps who are probably extremely worried right now. There are many reasons."

I nodded my head and looked out the window.

"But that doesn't answer your question," said Chelsea," I couldn't sleep because I'm worried about everyone at the Survey corps. I mean, we left right after an expedition and after they saved you. They must have been so relieved to have you back safely, but now both of us are gone and no one knows why."

"I agree," I said," That's actually the same reason I'm still awake. I can't help but wonder what their all thinking right now. Especially Levi and Armin."

Chelsea's ears perked up when she heard me say Armin's name.

"Oh so you're not dense," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Well most of us didn't think that you knew Armin had a crush on you," she said," But it looks like you do!"

"Wait, did he tell you that?" I asked.

Chelsea shook her head as a smile appeared on her face.

"A lot of the cadets our age teased him constantly about it when you weren't around," she explained," Everyone figured it out pretty quickly, since he would always look at you and talk about you. He was always worried about you and he would blush every time someone teased him about it."

"I see," I said," I guess that makes sense."

Chelsea nodded her head as her smile fell.

"So what are we going to do?" she asked," Neither of us can sleep, my body is extremely sore and yours is probably too, plus we have more training tomorrow."

I thought about it for a second before closing my eyes to let some words out.

"Do you ever feel like breaking down?

Do you ever feel out of place?

Like somehow you just don't belong

And no one understands you.

Do you ever want to run away?

Do you lock yourself in your room?

With the radio on turned up so loud

That no one hears you screaming," I sang as Chelsea looked at me confused.

"What are you doing?" asked Chelsea.

"My friend Lily always told me that whenever I'm in a tough situation, I should just sing a song I know," I replied," She did it all the time. When she was sad, angry, or even frustrated, she would just sing. So I thought that I could try it out."

Chelsea looked at me for a second, causing me to feel a little stupid. I was about to say something until I heard her sing.

"No you don't know what it's like

When nothing feels alright

You don't know what it's like to be me," she sang before I chimed in.

"To be hurt, to feel lost,

To be left out in the dark,

To be kicked when you're down

To feel like you've been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down

And no one's there to save you

No you don't know what it's like

Welcome to my life."

When we stopped singing, Chelsea looked at each other and giggled. It felt so good to finally do something I was used to. Lily always made me and Shadow sing along to some songs she found online, and most of the time we got annoyed by her, but it sometimes did make funny videos for youtube. I'll never admit it to her, but I actually do miss everything we did when we lived together. It may have been annoying then, but now that I think about it, I had a lot of fun doing those things. But I'm never going to admit it to Lily. I don't want to give her that satisfaction.

Chelsea yawned, catching my attention.

"I guess that worked," she said," Mind if I sleep here? I don't feel like walking to my own tent."

I nodded my head as I laid down on the blanket. Chelsea did the same as I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Chelsea," I said.

"Goodnight Hato," Chelsea said before I fell into a deep sleep.

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