Chapter 56: A painful hope

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Hato's P.O.V.

Syaoran threw a sword in my direction as my feet hit the tree behind me. I quickly jumped out of the way and onto the next tree, allowing the sword to cut right through the one I was first on. The kid didn't stop throwing swords in my direction, so I kept jumping onto trees until he pulled out a gun from nowhere and started shooting at me. Now, from the fact that this is a gun he was shooting, I knew that I couldn't dodge it. So instead, I pulled out one of my guns and started deflecting the bullets. After doing this for a few minutes, Syaoran finally decided to use magic.

He shot a huge ball of fire in my direction, which I easily dodged. His fists and feet then went up in flames as he flew in my direction. I quickly pulled out to guns from my side and placed them down. I started shooting at him a lot, but he kept dodging each bullet. As I kept shooting, I pulled out more guns and started shooting him from those. He couldn't get close to me anymore, which made me smile. Until I realized that he was no longer looking at me, but at the top of the wall.

"Chelsea!" I yelled.

Syaoran looked back at me and flew above my bullets as two huge swords tried to slash him. I aimed my guns toward him as I sensed Chelsea running to my side.

"It seems like his thoughts aren't at the feather at the moment," Chelsea told me.

"No," I said," He's still thinking about it. But I think he has a plan."

Chelsea looked at me confused as I continued to shoot the guns at my side.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I think he's going to attack the Survey corps," I told her.

I heard her gasp as I fixated my eyes on Syaoran. He was dodging all the bullets now at an alarming speed. The kid was now getting closer, really quickly.

"What do we do about that?" Chelsea asked.

Syaoran was now right in front of me was about to kick me, until Chelsea pulled out a giant sword and swung it at him. He got hit and was flung back into the wall.

"Hey," Chelsea said to him," Don't interrupt our conversation."

Another sword appeared in Chelsea's hand as I continued to shoot at the kid. She then threw it at him. I smiled to myself, thinking this would do some damage. But was I wrong. Instead, Syaoran grabbed a sword out of nowhere and swung it at the sword heading his way. The sword switch directions and flew into the top of the wall at mach, um, 50? Eh, probably. When it crashed into the edge of the wall, Chelsea looked up at it and squinted.

"I think the Survey Corps was over there," she said," I hope nobody got hit."

I nodded my head while putting the guns away. Syaoran slowly pushed himself off the wall and looked up at both of us. When he did, a chill ran down my spine. He was looking at the two of us with a sickening grin. A grin that only told you that he was up to no good.

Suddenly, Syaoran pulled out a huge gun and started shooting it in the direction of the wall. My eyes followed the bullets until they landed on a person. And this person was falling.

"Who's that?" I asked Chelsea.

"I don't know," I heard Chelsea reply.

I looked back at Syaoran, then the guy falling. It was difficult figuring out who it was until my eyes caught sight of his blonde hair. My eyes widened when I realized that Syaoran was targeting this person.

"ARMIN!" I screamed as I ran in his direction.

Syaoran continued to shoot at him, causing me to try to run faster than I've ever done before. But no matter how hard I tried, I knew that I wouldn't get there in time. But I still ran. I ran and ran and even when my legs felt on fire, I ran. I kept my gaze on Armin as he continued to fall. No matter what happened, I would not let him get hurt. Not today, when I'm alive and able to fight.

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