4:17 A.M. The exact time Jungkook woke up in the middle of the night to a loud clap of thunder that started with a bright flash of lightning. Well, the storm wasn't the reason he woke up— in fact, he slept better through thunderstorms. It was how Taehyung hugged him tighter, flinching a little everytime there was thunder. Jungkook couldn't help but smile. When they were younger, Taehyung was always afraid of storms. The loud thunder was what scared him the most. It felt like the ground was being shook somehow, and he always felt as if it was out to get him. That's what Taehyung always thought. Now that they were a little older, Jungkook would've thought that Taehyung has gotten over his fear in the past three years without him. Obviously, he was proved wrong. A sigh escapes the lips of the boy that tightly held him from behind, practically spooning him. Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer to him, if that was still even possible. The older mumbled a bunch of incoherent words Jungkook wasn't able to make out. Wow, nothing really changed in Taehyung. Jungkook was still overwhelmed of the fact that Taehyung actually came over earlier, how he took care of him and even hugged him to sleep.
Jungkook slowly moved his hands over Taehyung's, which was right on top of his waist. Even if it's temporary, he cherished this moment. To be that close to Taehyung again, to be held by him like that, and how Taehyung would flinch closer to him when the loud sound of thunder hit. Why couldn't they be together the first time around? Why was everything so against them back then? A lot more questions lingered in Jungkook's head. Like, what if they did stay together? Would they still be happy as they were? Jungkook's thoughts were stopped when Taehyung suddenly threw himself over on top of Jungkook, hugging him as tight as he could when the loudest thunder of the night banged.
"Tae? Hey Tae," Jungkook whispered, patting the red head's back gently, "Tae, it's just thunder. Remember what I told you? I said that as long as you're with me, I'll keep you safe. It won't get you, I won't let that happen."
Taehyung's eyes flew open hearing Jungkook's words of reassurance, he wasn't aware of what his body was doing while he was asleep, he knew he was scared, but he didn't realize how half of his body was now on top of Jungkook's and how tight his grasp was on the younger. Taehyung cleared his throat, moving off of Jungkook and lying back down beside him, "I'm uh, sorry. I was sleeping and—"
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
Taehyung nodded and he was about to turn to the other side when Jungkook pulled him back closer towards him, placing his arm over Taehyung's waist this time. "Can we please stay like this?"
"Just for tonight, please."
"But it isn't right."
Jungkook moves his head closer to Taehyung and presses their foreheads together, "If it's wrong, then I don't ever want to be right."

Underwear Thief 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔
FanfictionTaekook CRACK! au where Taehyung loses a bet and is dared to go steal Jungkook, his long-time enemy's underwear. But oh boy, was Taehyung in for a surprise. C O M P L E T E D ✔ • Side yoonmin ~ mostly but not all social media (edits) au ~ !!! Lots...