The End of Second Year

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I ran into the Chamber, seeing Ginerva lying in a shallow pool of water. Remembering my promise to Ronald, I quickly darted to her. Grabbing her wrist, I checked her for a pulse. It was faint but still there. 

"She won't wake." a soft voice called. 

Turning, I looked up to see Tom Riddle standing above me. "That's fine, I never quite liked her anyway. She a bit obsessive. How are you here Tom?" I questioned.

"I'm merely a memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years." Tom said.

I looked around for my wand, before noticing that Tom had it. "Can I have my wand back Tom? Please." I muttered, looking up at him. 

He smirked, shaking his head. He began explaining something, but I was too busy listening to Ginerva's pulse slowly go down. Tom backed away from me, using my wand to draw out his name, I watched as it moved slowly to form, I am Lord Voldemort. He stuck out his hand, call forth the Basilisk. 

I watched in amazement as the beautiful creature slid forth. Before realizing Tom had sent the thing after me. Cursing, I clambered up, and began running towards the pipes. As I neared the entrance to one of the pipes, I tripped. Tumbling to the ground, I stared up at the beast, watching as Fawkes came down. 

"No!" I shouted, watching as Fawkes tore out the Basilisk's eyes. Stumbling up, I ran through the pipes, hearing the Basilisk follow close behind. Pressing myself close to the wall, I held my breath as the Basilisk passed. 

Feeling an urge to go back to the main chamber; back for the diary, I made my way through the tunnels. As I neared the entrance back to the main chamber, I made a copy of the diary, slipping it in my pocket. 

Making my way back into the main chamber, I saw the sorting hat lying next to Ginerva and Tom. Making my way over, I knelt before them. Checking Ginerva's pulse, I noticed it was almost gone. The Basilisk burst into the room, breaching the pool below Salazar's Statue. 

A glint out of the corner of my eye, caused me to look away from the snake. As the sword of Gryffindor appeared beneath the tatters of the old hat. Glancing at Tom and the sword, I reluctantly grabbed the sword and began swinging at the Basilisk. 

From atop Salazar's Statue, I glanced down at Tom, who refused to call off the Basilisk. Biting back tears, I thrust the sword through the Basilisk's mouth. Crying out, a fang lodged itself in my elbow. Climbing down, I limped towards Ginerva and Tom. Dragging the sword behind me, I dropped the sword at his feet. 

Collapsing at his feet, I quickly switched out the diary. Pulling the fang from my arm, I stabbed the fake diary, watching as Tom was sucked back into the diary. Blurry eyed, I reached for Ginerva's wrist. Feeling no pulse, I dropped the wrist. Huffing as Fawkes landed at my feet, gently crying onto the wound. 

"Get away you stupid bird." I muttered, wincing as the skin knitted itself back together. Fawkes trilled sadly, as I threw Ginerva over my shoulder.

Thoughts of every sad thing I could imagine began pouring into my head. Water works began to fall as I made my way back into the entrance Chamber. I noticed Ronald had cleared out the passage, and made my way over. 

"Harry! Is Ginny okay?" Ron yelled, once he spotted me. He made his way closer to me, gasping when he saw me sobbing. 

"I'm sorry Ron. I tried to save her." I cried. Hearing a trill, I turned to see Fawkes heading our way. Holding out his tail feathers, we grabbed hold and made our way back out of the Chamber. I held tight to Ginerva, knowing Dumbledore would be waiting for us at the top. Tears continued to stream down my face as we landed. 

Glancing up at Dumbledore, I laid Ginerva down, "I'm sorry Professor Dumbledore. I wasn't fast enough. I couldn't save her.". 

Dumbledore stood in shock, eyes losing their twinkle for a moment before he quickly recovered and levitated Ginerva. He had us follow him, dropping Ginerva off at the Hospital Wing before leading us to his office. 

"I managed to stop Tom. I destroyed the diary." I muttered, handing Dumbledore the fake diary. He smiled softly, twinkle returning to his eye as he took the copy.

He sat behind his desk, setting the diary on it before grabbing the Sword of Gryffindor. Laying it on the desk in front of me.

"It is the mark of a true Gryffindor to be able to pull this Sword from the sorting hat. Do you know why, Harry?" Dumbledore questioned. Feigning naivety, I shook my head. "Take a look at the inscription.".

Carefully picking up the sword, I turned it to read the inscription, "Godric Gryffindor? This was his sword?".

"Indeed Harry." He was cut off as the doors to his office slammed open. I smirked internally as Lord Malfoy entered the room. 

I noticed Dobby was with him and unintentionally ignored their conversation.

"Then let us hope, that Harry Potter will always be there." Lord Malfoy stated. 

I looked up at him with a smirk, "Don't worry I will be." Winking at him, watching as he left the room. Turning to Dumbledore, I glanced at the Diary, "Do you think I could have that Professor?".

He laughed, handing over the diary. I raced after him. 

"Lord Malfoy!" I called. He froze, seeming to catch how I called after him, "Lord Malfoy, I believe you've forgotten something.". 

He looked at the diary and then looked at me, "You seem to be mistaken.".

I smirked, handing over the diary, "No, I don't believe I am. It is very important you return this back to your manor.". 

He looked at me again, suspicion in his eyes before slowly nodding and taking it. I smiled as he turned away, heading to the apparation point. 

Turning the other way, I made my way towards Gryffindor Tower. Closing the door to my dorm, I sat at my desk. Pulling out the real diary, I grabbed a quill. 

Tom, are you there?

Why should I answer you, you tried to kill me?

Like you didn't do the same. Now, why did you attempt to kill Ginerva?

How do I know I can trust you?

You don't, but unless you want me to actually destroy this diary, then you must tell me why.

Fine, I needed her soul to return to the physical world with a body.

Next question, what are you? Really, I know you're not just a memory. Memories can't touch.

Have you ever heard of a Horcrux?

No, however I don't exactly know much about dark magic.

A horcrux, is a container with which someone stores a piece of their soul. By killing another, ruthlessly and without remorse, you shatter the soul and are able to place a piece inside a container. Should you die, your soul remains in the mortal plane, and you are able to return. 

Am I able to combine these pieces to return you to the physical world myself without causing harm to another?

I suppose, but you would have to find other pieces of similar soul size. It would require you to combine the smaller pieces in order to bind me to them. But why would you want to, your The-Boy-Who-Lived?

Because maybe that's not who I am. Not really. I can't explain it, but I need to do this.

Very well, I would help, however I do not know where my other has hidden his treasures. 

Well, thank you anyway. I will keep you updated on the present world, and if any of the other treasures.

Thank you.

I closed the diary, moving it to my trunk. Closing the lid, I began muttering wards in Parsel to keep it sealed from the rest of the dorm. 

Moving to my bed, I settled into a comfortable position and began meditating.

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