Once a Muggle now A Wizard (3POV)

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The next day was spent in the library, researching the Smith Family. Unfortunately for Harry, today was a short day as they were heading home for summer break. Remembering a spell Hermione had offhandedly mentioned before, he pulled out an advanced Charms Text, flipping through it.

"Gemino- the doubling charm used to duplicate an object, creating an exact replica of that object. It could also be used to an object into multiplying repeatedly when touched, where it was instead known as the gemino curse." Harry muttered. Copying the charms text, he returned the original to its place, placing the copy in his bag, and went back to looking for texts on family trees and history.

Finding a book on the History of the Sacred 28, as well as the laws devised by the Sacred 28, he copied both, taking the copies. 

A voice called out from afar, and Harry quickly stuffed both books into his bag, making his way to Hermione.

"Harry, there you are. It's almost time to go. What were you doing in the library?" Hermione questioned, looking at him suspiciously.

"Nothing Hermione, just browsing." Harry replied, brushing her off. 

They made their way back to the common room, Harry heading up to his dorm to unload the books into his trunk. Neville sat on his bed, looking up from Trevor to Harry.

"There you are Harry! I thought you were gonna miss the train." Neville cried.

"Nah, I was just in the library." Harry stated, placing his bag on the bed, "Say, Neville. How do you go about ordering books when you don't have the time to stop by Diagon?".

"Oh, well my Nan usually just owl orders them. Most stores have catalogs that you can use to place owl orders, so you don't have to make the trip." Neville explained, reaching into his nightstand, where a herbology catalog lay.

"And they have these for all stores?"

Neville looked at Harry confused, "Well yeah, most people don't have the time to just stop in Diagon, or simply make one trip.".

Harry beamed at Neville, "Thanks Neville. Say do you have any catalogs you think I can have?". Neville nodded, digging through his trunk and handing over a stack of catalogs.


Harry sat on his bed in the smallest bedroom of Little Whinging. He had managed to sneak his wand and a couple of catalogs in his trousers, stuffing them underneath a lose floorboard. Currently he was listening to the news, through the cat flap on the door. Apparently, a mass murderer, named Sirius Black was on the loose in London. They didn't release the name of the prison he escaped from, which made Harry question if the man was a muggle or not. 

Hedwig landed on the windowsill, daily prophet in her claws along with the owl order of clothes he purchased. Giving Hedwig a small piece of bacon left over from this morning, he took both items, placing the clothes under the floorboard before opening the prophet. He was right, Sirius Black, supposed Death Eater, aided in the murder of his parents as well as the murder of 12 muggles and a man named Peter Pettigrew. 

Knowing full well the prophet was not to be trusted, he held the knowledge with little regard. If Black truly escape simply to kill him, so be it, let him come. Otherwise, it didn't matter to Harry, as long as it didn't disrupt his search for the rest of the horcruxes. 

A week had passed, and Harry long since forgotten the name Sirius Black. A lot had happened since then, Aunt Marge had come for a visit, resulting in Harry's temper spiking. The ministry told him to stay in the Leaky Cauldron so no one would learn he blew up his aunt, but Harry was never one to follow the rules. 

Sneaking to the doorway, Harry entered Diagon Ally. Taking a trip to Gringotts first, Harry spotted a familiar Goblin, and made his way over. 

"Hello Griphook. May your enemies burn, and your gold be plentiful." Harry directed. Griphook, and several of the surrounding Goblins looked at Harry in surprise.

"May your gold ever flow, and your enemies flee in terror, Mr. Potter. How can Gringotts help you today?" Griphook questioned, coming out of his stupor.

"I need an inheritance test, as well as full overview of my full estate."

"Of course, Mr. Potter. Follow me." Griphook jumped down from his desk, leading Harry back to an office. 

Opening the door, Harry followed Griphook in, taking a seat at the desk Infront of him while Griphook gathered the necessary documents.

"7 drops of blood on the parchment Mr. Potter." Griphook stated, handing over a silver dagger, "Worry not, the dagger is enchanted to purify itself after every use.". 

Harry nodded, pricking his finger, letting the blood fall on the parchment.

The blood turned to ink, curling across the parchment, forming words. 

Hadrian Jameson Potter-Black

Father(s)- Jameson Fleamont Potter(biological-deceased), Sirius Orion Black-Lupin (Blood-Adoption)

Mother(s)- Lilian Rose Potter nee Evans(biological-deceased), Remus John Black-Lupin (Blood-Adoption)

Sibling(s)- Selene Faolan Black-Lupin

Godparent(s)- Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, Regulus Black(deceased)

Lordship(s): Potter, Peverell, Slytherin(conquest), Gaunt(conquest), Master of Death (prophecy)

Heirship(s): Black, Lupin, Lestrange (by right of last kin)


Magical core: 45%blocked (50% broken)

Metamorphagus: 100% blocked (60% broken)

Parseltongue/Mage: 75% blocked (75% broken)

Seer: 100% blocked (10% broken)

Harry looked up from the sheet to see Griphook in an equal state of dismay. 

"Can you remove them?" Harry seethed.

"Of course, follow me." Griphook replied, leading Harry to a ritual room. "Remove your clothing, put on the robe and we can begin.". And with that, Griphook left the room.

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