Stranded [Part 1]

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- Description -

Mabel lives in a cottage in the middle of nowhere, completely disconnected from society. Though when a Yautja crash lands on Earth he takes shelter in her home, forcing her to help him.

Yeah I know this description sucks but eh. These stories will be multiple parts, the max probably being five idk. So yeah, enjoy!

Yautja text: bolded



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A large ship flew through the vastness of space, it was battered and scarred up but functional. Inside at the control panel sat a huge brown shape, broad shoulders and made of pure muscle. This was a Yautja, one named Zehn-Thadaath.

He growled softly as he clicked different buttons on his dashboard, different screens appearing and disappearing as he did this. The Yautja proceeded to check his fuel supplies, snarling as they continued to flash dangerously low.

He then clicked a few different buttons and an image of several planets showed on the screen. Many he had hunted at before and collected honourable trophies from. Though it seemed the only planet he could get to which was nearest, and one where he could breathe their air without a biomask on, was Earth.

The male let out a bark of disdain for the backwater planet. Earth was inhabited by a race known as 'Oomans' ones that were inferiors to Yautja. They were a most annoying race but at times they were formidable opponents, they were known to have at times killed Yautja's successfully.

Zehn clicked a route for that planet and stands from his chair after setting the ship on auto pilot. He turned to the ship he was in, it was entirely bare of anything useful. This ship was created to transport goods from clan to clan for trade purposes.

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