"Who are you?" he shouted. "What did you do to Cadence?"
<Nick, it's me.>
The lady rushed towards him. He lurched back, but his arm was caught in a tight grip. He gasped at the heat of that hand against his chilled skin. "Cadence!" he shouted again. He surprised the woman by pulling his arm closer instead of trying to break free, then he bit down as hard as he could on the woman's hand. The woman swore and wrenched her hand out from between Nick's teeth, leaving the coppery tang of blood behind.
Quick as a snake, the lady grabbed at Nick's other arm. "Let me go!" Nick shouted. He kicked out, but the woman shifted out of the way before his foot could connect. Then he was turned around, wrapped in strong arms, and hugged close to a body that put out heat like a furnace, and felt just as solid. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't break free. Furious and scared, he stomped down with all his might on the woman's foot.
"Nick," the woman growled in a voice rough from disuse and exasperation, "it's me."
Nick froze. He knew that voice. "Cadence?" He spun around when he found himself released. "Cadence," he said wonderingly. His knees buckled—his reserves burned up by his struggle with her. He would have fallen if Cadence hadn't caught him. "You're—but—you're a human." The light from the glowing ball that wavered next to Cadence cast shifting shadows that left much of her face obscured. All Nick could make out was dark hair, deep-set eyes, and high cheekbones.
<I can take a human form,> Cadence said, distracted as she ran her hands up and down Nick's arms. Cadence pulled off her coat and draped it over Nick's shoulders, enveloping him in warmth. <I smell blood,> Cadence ground out.
"My head. Someone knocked me out."
A low, feral growl raised the hairs on Nick's neck, at odds with the gentle fingers that traced over his head. He winced when Cadence brushed against the sore spot, then the fingers pulled away. In one swift smooth movement, he was swept up into strong arms. "Put me down!"
<You're so cold, Nick. I need to get you back to the cave.> Cadence set off at a distance-eating pace. <You won't be able to hold on to me in my dragon form.>
"I can walk," Nick insisted. He wriggled in Cadence's hold, but it was a feeble effort. Now that his heart had ceased its furious racing, strength was leaching from his limbs.
<I'm sure you can. But I can walk faster, even while carrying you.>
"You can't walk all the way back to the cave carrying me. It's too far."
Cadence gave him a pitying look. < I am a dragon, Nick. I could carry you to the village and back many times.>
By this point, Nick could probably only manage a crawl, so he swallowed his instinctive denial and burrowed into Cadence's warmth instead. The shivers and teeth-chattering were finally starting, making his head throb harder. Nick couldn't stop staring at the small ball of light that bobbed along above Cadence's shoulder. Was that what was inside a glow globe, he wondered.
His thoughts continued to drift and lose coherence, lulled by the rhythm of Cadence's stride even as returning warmth roused the pain in his head. The rest of the journey passed in flashes of images and dreamlike impressions; the warmth of Cadence's body, the sight of his finger tracing the beautiful angle of Cadence's jaw, and Cadence pressing her cheek into the palm of Nick's hand and a whispered, "I'm sorry. You were right about the gold."
He blinked again and Cadence was tucking him into bed. His eyes traced the face that hovered over him. "You're beautiful," Nick whispered. Startled eyes met his. Oh dear, he thought hazily, had he said that out loud? Dark hair that fell to just past her hips, perfect cheekbones, and eyes the same silvery cyan as her eyes in dragon form, filled with concern. Had he ever seen anyone as beautiful as Cadence, he wondered. He didn't think so, and he doubted he ever would.
<Nick, I need to warm you up.>
"Alright," he breathed, eyelids heavy and thoughts gauzy and far away.
<I have to get into the bed with you.>
He pushed himself upright when he heard the uncertainty in Cadence's voice.
<Nick,> Cadence said with alarm. <What are you doing?>
Nick lifted up the corner of the blanket. "Get in," he said, and patted the space beside him. She slid in next to him. Oh, the heat was amazing. He sighed and snuggled close. "So warm..."
<Alright,> Cadence whispered. <Sleep now.>
He thought he felt a gentle hand touch his cheek, and then he slipped away

Home is a Treasure Beyond Price
Fantasy"In what had to be the stupidest decision he'd ever made in a lifetime of making stupid decisions, he resolved to follow the dragon into her lair. The cave mouth yawned, dark and forbidding before him. He stared at it, willing himself to take the fi...