Ch. 9 Always the Black sheep

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"What is with you bad guys and tying people up ?" Chase asks.

Currently The Gaston twins where trying ropes around him and CJ as they had been forced to sit back to back in chairs while Harriet watches with folded arms and a harden stare. Chase whinces a bit as the ropes got a bit tight around them.

"Tying people up is how Harriet deals with her problems" CJ mutters.

Harriet shakes her head at CJ and her attempts to insult her. She knew her little half sister like the back of her ship. She knew how prideful CJ can get, how she likes to brag and show off her fearless, or how thinking insulting people when she's in deep trouble is a good idea.

Despite them beging half sisters, Harriet secretly cared about CJ even when thire father could care less about her. Becauses truth be told CJ was half a Hook and in their father's eyes CJ was the runt, a total black sheep, an outsider, all becauses she was her mother's daughter rather than an Hook's daughter. Harriet knew this very well, CJ on the other hand still thinks she's worthy of the Hook mental like Harry and Harriet.

"CJ stop trying to make things worse for youself, you are in enough trouble than it is" Harriet sighs annoyed.

"Whatever you say Mom" CJ mocks before grinning, Harriet knew what that grin meant.

"CJ don't you dare say what I think your going to say" Harriet warns.

"Your mom always liked me better than you" CJ said with grin.

It was true Harriet and Harry's mom had always liked CJ better than Harriet even though CJ wasn't even her daughter. But for some odd reason, Harriet's mom always took a liking to little CJ. She spoiled CJ with sea weed candy, food, pirate gifts and basically let CJ get away with anything she wanted. Even though Harriet won't admit it kinda of hurt her seeing her mother spend more time with CJ than her actually daughter. Harriet would be lying if she said that she wasn't jelouse of CJ.

Harriet growls as she storms towards CJ and grabs her already stretched out underwear. CJ whimpers.

"My mom only spends time with only becauses Father wouldn't" Harriet snares angerly.

"Hey leave her alone !" Chase shouts.

The Gaston twins chuckle as one of them flicks Chase's cat ears and the other pulls up on his boxers. Chase winces.

"Okay I'm sorry" CJ said in pain.

Harriet smirks as she lets go. Chase sighs in annyounce.

"Please tell us what you guys have plan for us" Chase said.

"I'm dropping you two off on Neverland, so you won't intefer with Yung's plans, simply as that" Harriet said.

"What ? You can't have my friends ! What are you going to tell my mom or your mom or heck even dad !" CJ exclaimes.

"Stop being over dramtice CJ, It's only temporary, I promise I'll come back for you" Harriet promes.

"Oh yeah sure in about 20 years, by then will still be stuck as a 14 year old while your be in your 40's" CJ sassys.

"Would you perfer that or had been perished at Yung's hands !?" Harriet snares.

CJ falls silent.

"Look I know you hate me now, but here's what you don't relized if I didn't have my way, Yung would have made you suffer ! Is that what you wanted, this is the only way keep you safe !" Harriet snares.

"When have you ever cared ? You think I'm a brat" CJ snares.

"Becauses you are a brat but becauses I feel responsible for you, I have to constantly stick my neck out for you !" Harriet shouts.

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